“written material”例句

单词 written material
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bibliography〕The description and identification of the editions, dates of issue, authorship, and typography of books or other written material.书籍或其它作品的版本、发行日期、著者和印刷的分类和鉴定美国传统〔compositor〕One that sets written material into type; a typesetter.排字工:把书面材料置于版面上的工人;排版工美国传统〔duplicator〕A machine, such as a mimeograph, that reproduces printed or written material.复印机:再制造印刷或手写材料的机器,如誊写版印刷机美国传统〔hectograph〕A machine employing a glycerin-coated layer of gelatin in order to make copies of typed or written material.胶版誊写机:一种机器,使用外裹甘油的胶制剂对打印或手写的材料进行复制美国传统〔insert〕Something inserted or intended for insertion, as a picture or chart into written material.插入物:已插入或准备插入的东西,如文字材料中的图画或图表美国传统〔journalism〕Written material of current interest or wide popular appeal.新闻报道:关于眼下公众感兴趣的事或公众普通关注的事的文字材料美国传统〔linage〕The number of lines of printed or written material.印刷物或书写材料表面的行数美国传统〔revision〕A revised or new version, as of a book or other written material.修正版:修订版或新版,如书或其它书写材料美国传统〔rewrite〕To make revisions in written material.修改:在书面材料中进行修订美国传统〔title〕Often titles Written material to be read by viewers that is included in a film or television show, typically presenting credits, narration, or dialogue. 常作 titles 字幕:电影或电视节目中供观众阅读的书面文字,通常写出摄制人员名单、叙述或对话美国传统〔typographer〕One that sets written material into type; a compositor or printer.排字工:把书面材料排成铅字的人;排字工人或印刷工美国传统〔volume〕A unit of written material assembled together and cataloged in a library.书本:在图书馆中集合并分类的一组手稿美国传统〔write〕To produce written material, such as articles or books.写作:产生书面材料,如文章或书美国传统As yet, no documentation (= written material which provides proof) has been found to support the claim.能支持索赔的书面证明至今还未找到。剑桥国际

