
单词 一块土
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SERIES〕It's not advisable to plant wheat in the same field for more than two years in succession. 同一块土地上不宜连续种植小麦超过两年。朗文写作活用〔abbey〕King John gave them land on which to build an abbey.约翰国王赐给他们一块土地建造修道院。外研社新世纪〔abstract of title〕A brief history of the transfers of a piece of land, including all claims that could be made against it.产权简史,产业契据摘要:一块土地产权转让的简明历史,包括所有对此产权不利的要求美国传统〔client〕She was advising a client on the worth and value of a piece of land.她正在就一块土地的价值和价格给一位客户提供建议。外研社新世纪〔corridor〕A tract of land forming a passageway, such as one that allows an inland country access to the sea through another country.狭长地带:组成通道的一块土地,例如一个内陆国家穿过另一个国家到达海洋的狭长地带美国传统〔crop rotation〕The successive planting of different crops on the same land to improve soil fertility and help control insects and diseases.轮作:在同一块土地上连续种植不同的作物以提高土壤肥力并帮助控制昆虫的生长和疾病的蔓延美国传统〔log〕To cut down, trim, and haul the timber of (a piece of land).伐木:将(一块土地上的)树木砍倒、修整、并拖走美国传统〔lot〕A piece of land having specific boundaries, especially one constituting a part of a city, town, or block.一块地皮:有特定边界的一块土地,尤指组成城市、乡镇或街区的一部分美国传统〔march〕A tract of land bordering on two countries and claimed by both.有争议的边界地区:两国都宣称拥有主权的两国之间的一块土美国传统〔mark〕A tract of land in medieval England and Germany held in common by a community.公有地:中世纪英国或德国中由村社居民共有的一块土美国传统〔parcel〕A plot of land, usually a division of a larger area.(土地的)一片,一块:通常是一大片地一部分的一块土美国传统〔park〕A tract of land attached to a country house, especially when including extensive gardens, woods, pastures, or a game preserve.庄园:尤指有宽大的花园、树林、草原或游戏场所的附属于乡村住房的一块土美国传统〔plat〕A map showing actual or planned features, such as streets and building lots.地图:标示一块土地上实际的或计划的区划,如街道和建筑物区的地图美国传统〔plottage〕The area of land in a plot or group of plots.一块土皮面积:一块地皮或一组地皮的面积美国传统〔sippet〕A small piece of toast or bread soaked in gravy or other liquid or used as a garnish.浸在肉汁等之中的一块土司:浸在肉汁汤或其他液体中的或作为配菜的一块面包或土司美国传统〔solum〕The upper layers of a soil profile in which topsoil formation occurs.土层:一块土地纵断图中上面的几层,表土就形成于其中美国传统〔sour〕It sours the land to plant the same grain in the same land for many years.在同一块土地上长期种植一种庄稼会使土地变得贫瘠。21世纪英汉〔traverse〕A line established by sighting in surveying a tract of land.横断线:在测量一块土地时通过目视确定的线美国传统〔village〕The village purchased land for a new school.该村为新建学校购买了一块土地。英汉大词典It is a good idea to let a field lie fallow (= to plant nothing in it) to improve the quality of the soil and restore its fertility.留一块土地休耕以提高土壤质量、恢复土壤肥力是一个好主意。剑桥国际The two countries disputed for years over a small strip of land on their border. 这两个国家为了边界上一块土地已经争执多年。译典通

