
单词 医务室
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bay〕A sickbay.军舰等的医务室美国传统〔detox〕A section of a hospital or clinic in which patients are detoxified.解毒室:医院或医务室中病人解毒的地方美国传统〔dispensary〕An office in a hospital, school, or other institution from which medical supplies, preparations, and treatments are dispensed.医务室:在医院、学校或其他机关里,提供药品、处方和治疗的工作间美国传统〔infirmary〕A place for the care of the infirm, sick, or injured, especially a small hospital or dispensary in an institution.医院,医务室:一个照料老人、病人或伤员的地方,尤指小型医院或诊所美国传统〔infirmary〕One of the students became ill and was sent to the infirmary.学生中有一人生病,被送去了医务室韦氏高阶〔sick bay〕You'd better go to Sick Bay.你最好去趟医务室柯林斯高阶〔sickbay〕A place where the sick or injured are treated.病房、医务室:受伤或生病的人得以治疗的地方美国传统I think you'd better take Ryan along to the infirmary.我想你最好带瑞安一起去医务室剑桥国际Mark fainted during the biology lesson, so he's in the sickbay.马克在生物课上晕了过去,所以他被送进医务室剑桥国际

