
单词 化氢
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MAKE〕We found that this chemical process created hydrogen chloride as a by-product. 我们发现这一化学过程产生了一种副产品—氯化氢朗文写作活用〔Redux〕A trademark used for the drug dexfenfluramine hydrochloride.莱杜克斯:右旋芬氟拉明氯化氢药剂的商标美国传统〔bound〕They'd have a lot of hydrogen sulphide gas bound up in their cells.他们的牢房里会积聚大量硫化氢气体。外研社新世纪〔catalase〕An enzyme found in the blood and in most living cells that catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.过氧化氢酶:一种见于血液和多数活细胞之中将过氧化氢催化分解成水和氧气的酶美国传统〔cyanide〕Any of various salts or esters of hydrogen cyanide containing a CN group, especially the extremely poisonous compounds potassium cyanide and sodium cyanide.氰化物:一种包含CN基团的氰化氢的盐或酯,特别是剧毒化合物氰化钾和氰化钠美国传统〔dehydrochlorinase〕An enzyme that catalyzes the removal of hydrogen and chlorine from a chlorinated hydrocarbon.脱氯化氢酶:一种酶,在脱去氯化烃的氢和氯时起催化作用美国传统〔dehydrochlorinate〕To remove hydrogen and chlorine or hydrogen chloride from (a compound).脱去(化合物)中氯化氢美国传统〔dehydrogenase〕An enzyme that catalyzes the removal and transfer of hydrogen from a substrate in an oxidation-reduction reaction.脱氢酶:一种酶,能在氧化还原反应过程中,对脱去作用物中的氢并转化氢起催化作用美国传统〔ferrous sulfide〕A black to brown sulfide of iron, FeS, used in making hydrogen sulfide.硫化亚铁:一种用于制造硫化氢的介于黑色和褐色之间的铁的硫化物,FeS美国传统〔hydrobromic acid〕A clear, colorless or faintly yellow, highly acidic and corrosive aqueous solution of hydrogen bromide, HBr, used in the manufacture of bromides.氢溴酸:一种纯净、无色或淡黄色的由溴化氢溶于水生成的强液体酸,HBr,用于制备溴化物美国传统〔hydrochloride〕A compound resulting or regarded as resulting from the reaction of hydrochloric acid with an organic base.氯化氢:一种合成物,是或被认为是盐酸与一种有机碱的反应的结果美国传统〔hydrogen bromide〕An irritating colorless gas, HBr, used in the manufacture of barbiturates and synthetic hormones.溴化氢:一种有刺激性的无色气体,化学式为HBr,用于制造巴比妥酸盐和合成荷尔蒙美国传统〔hydrogen chloride〕A colorless, fuming, corrosive suffocating gas, HCl, used in the manufacture of plastics.氯化氢:一种无色,易蒸发,腐蚀性令人窒息的液体化学式HCl,用于生产塑料美国传统〔hydrogen iodide〕A corrosive, colorless suffocating gas, HI, used to manufacture hydriodic acid.碘化氢:一种腐蚀性的无色窒息性气体分子式为HI,用于生产碘氢酸美国传统〔hydrogenase〕An enzyme in certain microorganisms that catalyzes the formation of hydrogen.放氢酶:某些微生物中的催化氢所生成的一种酶美国传统〔peroxide〕Hydrogen peroxide.过氧化氢美国传统〔peroxide〕Peroxides are found in household detergents.家用洗涤剂里含有过氧化氢剑桥高阶〔peroxide〕To bleach (hair) with hydrogen peroxide.用过氧化氢漂白(头发)美国传统〔peroxisome〕A cell organelle containing enzymes, such as catalase and oxidase, that catalyze the production and breakdown of hydrogen peroxide.过氧物酶体:一种包含酶的细胞器官,如催化剂和氧化剂,能够催化过氧化氢的生成和分解美国传统Dry, brittle hair and split ends were the unfortunate consequence of years of dyeing it peroxide blond.头发干枯、易损和分裂开叉是多年使用过氧化氢染金发的恶果。剑桥国际Ozone, produced by the photochemical reaction of sunlight with unburnt hydrocarbons, and carbon monoxide emissions are rising inexorably.臭氧是由阳光和未燃烧的碳化氢光化作用生成,并且一氧化碳排放量不可抗拒地升高。剑桥国际

