
单词 满月
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALMOST〕The moon was almost full that night. 那晚,月亮几乎是满月朗文写作活用〔CIRCLE〕The moon was perfectly round that night. 那个晚上,满月当空。朗文写作活用〔Nanna〕The Mesopotamian god of the full moon.南纳:美索不达米亚的满月之神美国传统〔circular〕The full moon has a circular form.满月呈圆形。英汉大词典〔descend〕I gazed at the full moon descending lazily behind the mountains.我看着满月缓缓地落到山后。外研社新世纪〔full moon〕The moon when it is visible as a fully illuminated disk.满月:看起来象发光的大圆盘的月亮美国传统〔full moon〕The period of the month when such a moon occurs.满月期:一个月中有满月的日子美国传统〔full moon〕There's a full moon tonight.今晚是满月剑桥高阶〔full〕The moon is full tonight.今晚是满月韦氏高阶〔harvest moon〕The full moon that occurs nearest the autumnal equinox.获月:秋分后的第一次满月美国传统〔hunter's moon〕The first full moon following the harvest moon.猎月:收获月后的第一次满月美国传统〔inescapably〕The tide crept higher, drawn inescapably onward by the full moon.在满月的吸引下, 潮汐不可避免地渐涨渐高。外研社新世纪〔moon〕The full moon hung high in the night sky.一轮满月高悬夜空。牛津搭配〔moon〕The road shone frostily under the full moon.满月的光辉洒下来,路面上好似铺满银霜。牛津搭配〔moon〕There's a full moon tonight.今夜有一轮满月外研社新世纪〔new moon〕The team discovered that the planet is 0.02°C warmer at full moon than at new moon.工作组发现那颗行星在满月期比新月期时的温度高0.02摄氏度。剑桥高阶〔out〕There is a full moon out tonight.今晚有一轮满月韦氏高阶〔period〕He was a manic-depressive whose periods coincided with the full moon.他是躁狂抑郁病患者,每逢满月就发病。英汉大词典〔reckon〕The expression 'full moon' means the fourteenth day of the moon reckoned from its first appearance.“满月”这个说法是指从新月首次出现那天算起的第十四天。朗文当代〔silvery〕There was a full moon and its silvery light seeped through the curtains.满月当空,银色的清辉透过窗帘照进来。柯林斯高阶〔silvery〕There was a full moon and its silvery light showed through the curtains.天上挂着一轮满月, 银色的月光透过窗帘照进来。外研社新世纪〔spring tide〕The exceptionally high and low tides that occur at the time of the new moon or the full moon when the sun, moon, and earth are approximately aligned.朔望潮:新月和满月间当太阳、月亮、地球几乎成一线时发生的特别高低起伏的大潮美国传统〔springtide〕Springtime.大潮:指在新月和满月期间潮差较大的潮汐美国传统〔wane〕To exhibit a decreasing illuminated area from full moon to new moon.(月)亏,缺:从满月到新月期间表现出逐渐减小的明亮区美国传统〔wax〕To show a progressively larger illuminated area, as the moon does in passing from new to full.渐满:显出逐渐变大的光亮区域,如月亮由新月到满月美国传统〔wolf〕A lone wolf howled under the full moon.一匹孤狼在满月下嗥叫。牛津搭配A moonlit sky was painted on the backdrop for the second act of the ballet.芭蕾舞剧第二幕的背景幕布上画的是洒满月光的夜空。剑桥国际The allure of the moonlit swimming pool proved too much for them, and they all jumped in for a swim.洒满月光的游泳池对他们的吸引力太大了,他们全都跳了进去游起泳来。剑桥国际The full moon has a circular shape. 满月呈圆形。译典通The still water reflected the full moon. 平静的水面映出了满月译典通There's a full moon (=the moon is appearing as a complete disc) tonight.今晚是满月剑桥国际Whenever there was a full moon he would start behaving strangely.每当满月时他就行为古怪。剑桥国际

