
单词 牢靠
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TIGHT〕We made sure that our bags were securely fastened to the roof of the car. 我们确保已经把旅行袋都牢靠地系在车顶上。朗文写作活用〔firmness〕He gingerly tested the firmness of the trapdoor by putting one foot on it.他把一只脚放在活板门上, 小心翼翼地检查它是否牢靠外研社新世纪〔firm〕If you have to climb up, use a firm platform or a sturdy ladder.如果非要爬上去, 要么得踩一个牢靠的台子, 要么用一个结实的梯子。外研社新世纪〔firm〕No building can stand without firm foundations, and neither can a marriage.没有稳固的基础,建筑就不牢靠,婚姻也是如此。牛津高阶〔fragile〕The two countries have formed a fragile coalition.两国结成了不牢靠的联盟。韦氏高阶〔hand〕He runs the business with a firm hand.他做生意牢靠韦氏高阶〔hold〕The chain held.绳索很牢靠美国传统〔insecure〕Insecure doors and windows(= for example, without good locks)make life easy for burglars.门窗不牢靠方便了窃贼。牛津高阶〔insecure〕The hinge is loose and insecure.这铰链已经松动,不牢靠了。英汉大词典〔invulnerable〕Though he was now a partner, his position was not invulnerable.虽然他成了合伙人,但他的地位并不是很牢靠英汉大词典〔jerry-built〕The place is a bit jerry-built.这地方建造得有些不牢靠柯林斯高阶〔precarious〕The climber had only a precarious hold on the slippery rock.登山人在光滑的山岩上只有一处并不牢靠的地方可以攀援。英汉大词典〔purchase〕A grip applied manually or mechanically to move something or prevent it from slipping.紧抓:用手工或机械装置移动某物或防止其打滑时所使用的牢靠的立足点美国传统〔safe〕The company's future is in safe hands with Walsh in charge.公司的未来在沃尔什的管理下是牢靠的。麦克米伦高阶〔securely〕Builders must fasten down roofs of newly-built homes more securely.建造工人必须把新建房屋的屋顶固定得更牢靠些。柯林斯高阶〔secure〕The crates had not been firmly secured to the truck.板条箱没有在卡车上固定牢靠牛津搭配〔secure〕The house isn't very secure – we need some new locks.这房子锁得不太牢靠 — 我们需要几把新锁。朗文当代〔shaky〕That ladder looks a little shaky.这梯子看来不大牢靠牛津高阶〔trusty〕I never go anywhere without my trusty pocketknife.不论到什么地方去,我总是随身带着我那把牢靠的小折叠刀。韦氏高阶〔unreliable〕The car's becoming very unreliable.这辆汽车变得非常不牢靠朗文当代〔unsound〕Not dependably strong or solid.不可靠的:坚强或牢靠程度还不可信赖的美国传统All our products come wrapped in plastic, then securely packaged in a box. 我们所有的产品用塑料包装,然后牢靠地装在盒子里。牛津商务He has very little experience of business, and the whole organization was built on sand. 他没有什么经商的经验,整个机构可以说是建立在不牢靠的基础上。译典通Her suitcase was precariously balanced on the tiny luggage rack above her head.她的手提箱很不牢靠地放在头顶上的小行李架上。剑桥国际I don't think you ought to let anybody sit in that chair--it looks a bit unstable to me.我认为你不该让任何人坐在那张椅子上----我觉得它看上去有点不牢靠剑桥国际The boxes were insecurely fastened to the decks and got washed away during the storm.那些箱子没有牢靠地固定在甲板上,在暴风雨中被冲走了。剑桥国际The outbreak of civil war in the country has acted as a harsh reminder of the precariousness of the new democracies in eastern Europe.该国内战的爆发严峻地提醒人们,东欧新民主体系并不牢靠剑桥国际

