
单词 purchases
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MACHINE〕To make it easier to return any unwanted purchases, save the original packaging, especially for electronics and household appliances. 购买商品以后,为便于把不要的商品退回,请把原包装保存好,尤其是电子产品和家电产品的原包装。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕Most people have to make major purchases on credit. 大部分人购买昂贵商品得分期付款。朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕Celia began listing their recent purchases and gestured proudly to the fountain. 西莉亚开始数列他们最近购买的东西,还自豪地指给我们看那个人工喷泉。朗文写作活用〔account〕Repeat purchases account for 73% of our sales.重复购买占我们销售量的73%。麦克米伦高阶〔among〕Among his purchases were several books.他购买的东西中有几本书。外研社新世纪〔analyse〕Researchers analysed the purchases of 6,300 households.研究者们对6300个家庭的购物消费作了分析。剑桥高阶〔back〕Don't turn your back on purchases from second-hand stores.不要小看从旧货店买来的东西。英汉大词典〔benefit〕A benefit of museum membership is that purchases are discounted.成为博物馆会员的好处是购物可以打折。韦氏高阶〔book〕That left little for book purchases or anything else.那样一来,花在买书或其他用途的钱就很少了。英汉大词典〔broker〕One that acts as an agent for others, as in negotiating contracts, purchases, or sales in return for a fee or commission.经纪人:他人的代理,如在谈判签约、购买或为收佣金而出售时的代理人美国传统〔bull〕A person who buys commodities or securities in anticipation of a rise in prices or who tries by speculative purchases to effect such a rise.屯积居奇的人:在预测物价要上涨前购进商品或证券的人或试图通过投机买卖来影响物价上涨的人美国传统〔charge〕Please charge these purchases to my account.请把购买这些东西的钱记在我的账上。21世纪英汉〔claim〕You can claim back the tax on your purchases.你可以要求退回购物时缴纳的税款。牛津高阶〔clerk〕Take your purchases to the clerk, and he will wrap them for you.把你买的东西交给售货员,他会帮你包好。剑桥高阶〔collection〕Please collect your purchases from the customer collection point .请到顾客提货处去提取您购买的商品。朗文当代〔compact〕The saleslady compacted a neat package out of all my wife's purchases.那位女售货员把我妻子所购买的全部东西齐齐整整扎成一包。英汉大词典〔consumer〕Economists forecast that falling consumer confidence will cut into household purchases.经济学家预测,消费者信心的下降会拉低房屋购买量。牛津搭配〔consumer〕Many consumers are still not comfortable making purchases on the Internet.许多消费者对网上购物仍感觉不舒心。韦氏高阶〔cooperate〕When buyers cooperate, they can make large wholesale purchases at a discount.如果购买者联合起来,他们可以打折扣买大批的批发商品美国传统〔debit〕Purchases are debited against the client's account.购货款已记入客户账户的借方。朗文当代〔declare〕Large purchases must be declared at customs.大宗购物必须在海关申报。韦氏高阶〔documentation〕Keep your receipts as documentation of your purchases.保管好发票,作为购买凭证。韦氏高阶〔greenmail〕An antitakeover maneuver in which the target firm purchases the raider's stock at a price above that available to other stockholders.绿票讹诈:一种反收购策略,目标公司以其它股票持有者愿意的更高的价格来收购猛烈抛售者的股票美国传统〔hedonic〕Many purchases are related to hedonic impulses.许多购物行为和享乐冲动有关。剑桥高阶〔homebuyer〕One who purchases or expects to purchase a home.置家者:购买或准备购买住房的人美国传统〔increase〕The landowner enlarged her property by repeated purchases.土地拥有者不停购买以扩充她的财产。美国传统〔inference〕The program uses records of past purchases to make/draw inferences about what customers will buy in the future.这一程序根据顾客以往的购物记录推断出他们将来会买些什么。韦氏高阶〔intervene〕The bank intervened with large dollar purchases.那家银行大量购进美元来进行干预。英汉大词典〔keep〕He keeps a detailed record of all his purchases.他详细记录了所有采购品。韦氏高阶〔layaway plan〕The store offers a layaway plan for large purchases.这家商店为大宗购物提供预付定金购货服务。韦氏高阶〔notch〕New-car purchases this year will be only a notch below the 2003 record.今年的新车购买数将仅次于2003年的纪录。英汉大词典〔nuisance tax〕A small excise tax levied on separate purchases and collected directly from the purchaser.微额消费税:直接对消费者和对零售消费品征收的小额消费税美国传统〔overnight〕On March 7, we flew to Chicago, overnighted and made our purchases the following day.3 月 7 日我们乘飞机到芝加哥,过了一夜,第二天上街买了东西。英汉大词典〔purchase〕Among his purchases were several tins of beans.在他购买的东西里有几罐豆子。外研社新世纪〔purchase〕Consumers make a lot of impulse purchases.消费者常常冲动购物。牛津搭配〔purchase〕He displayed his recent purchases with pride.他得意地炫耀着最近购置的物品。韦氏高阶〔purchase〕I put my purchases in a bag.我把买来的东西放进口袋。牛津同义词〔purchase〕Make sure all online purchases are made through a secure server.确保所有的网购行为都通过安全的服务器进行。牛津搭配〔purchase〕One dollar purchases a subscription.1美元可订购一份。英汉大词典〔purchase〕She made two purchases from my stall.她从我的货摊上买了两样东西。朗文当代〔purchase〕She paid for her purchases and left.她采购完付了账便离开了。朗文当代〔purchase〕The children helped to carry their mother's purchases from the shops.孩子们帮母亲搬运从商店里购买的东西。英汉大词典〔purchase〕The company uses software to analyze consumer purchases.公司用软件分析消费者购买情况。牛津搭配〔purchase〕The statement lists all the purchases made with your card.这张结算表单列出了你用卡采购的所有物品。麦克米伦高阶〔purchase〕Their currency purchases less each year.他们的货币每年贬值。英汉大词典〔qualify〕Membership qualifies you for a discount on purchases.会员购买可以享受优惠。朗文当代〔ring up〕The cashier rang up our purchases.收银员把我们购买的商品记入收款机。韦氏高阶〔ring〕She rang up our purchases quickly and we left.她很快地把我们所购物品的钱款收入出纳机,然后我们走了。麦克米伦高阶〔ring〕The supermarket clerk rang up her purchases and told her she owed $54.超市售货员将她几笔所购记入收银机,告诉她一共应付54美元。英汉大词典〔roll〕Roll up the purchases in a sheet of paper.用一张纸把所买的东西包起来。英汉大词典〔run〕Electricity generating companies are running down stocks and cutting purchases.发电公司正在缩减备用物资,减少采购。朗文当代〔shopping bag〕A strong bag with handles for carrying a shopper's purchases.购物袋:一种装有提手用来装购物者所购物品的牢固的口袋美国传统〔simple〕I cut my purchases dramatically by the simple expedient of destroying my credit cards.通过销毁信用卡这一简单的权宜之计, 我大幅削减了自己的购物支出。外研社新世纪〔simple〕I cut my purchases dramatically by the simple expedient of destroying my credit cards.通过销毁信用卡这一简单的权宜之计,我大幅削减了自己的购物支出。柯林斯高阶〔tax-exempt〕The poorest families pay no tax on food because their food stamp purchases are tax-exempt.最贫困的家庭不用在食品上缴税,因为他们用食品卷购买是免税的。剑桥高阶〔this〕Of this amount, $250 million is for military purchases.这笔钱中有2.5亿美元是用于军事采购的。外研社新世纪〔window-shop〕To look at merchandise in store windows or showcases without making purchases.浏览橱窗:不买东西而只浏览商店橱窗或玻璃陈列柜内的商品美国传统Purchases can be shipped or collected from the store.购买的商品可由商家发货,也可到店自取。牛津商务Almost all major purchases result in cognitive dissonance.几乎所有的大额购物都会导致认知不和谐。牛津商务Because the fee is calculated on a percentage basis, card holders pay more on costly items than they do on small purchases.由于这种费用是按百分比来计算的,因此持卡人买奢侈品时要比买小件商品时支付得多。剑桥国际Consumers have cut purchases of pricier perfumes and make-up.消费者已减少高档香水和化妆品的购买。牛津商务Credit card purchases are recorded on a hand-held computer and then transmitted to our head office for processing.信用卡购物记录在便携式电脑上,然后传输到我们的总部进行处理。剑桥国际Free gifts given away with purchases are just another sales gimmick.购买商品可得到免费赠品只不过是销售上的又一个花招。剑桥国际He filled the car with his purchases. 他把买的东西装满车子。译典通He has been charged with evading sales tax on $15 million of purchases.他被指控逃避 1 500 万元采购项目的销售税。牛津商务Loans for house purchases, excluding remortgages, were down 12%.剔除转按揭,购房贷款下降了 12%。牛津商务My collection was formed partly by inheritance and partly through my own purchases.我的收藏品一部分是继承的,一部分是我自己购买的。剑桥国际Qualifying firms can reclaim 100% tax relief on IT purchases.符合资格的企业在信息技术采购方面可以享受 100% 的税收减免。牛津商务Shoppers will be able to earn points on all credit-card purchases.购物者使用信用卡的所有消费均可获得积分。牛津商务The researchers analysed the purchases of 6300 households.研究者们分析了6300户的购物情况。剑桥国际There are several possible ways to pay for your purchases.购物的付款方式有几种。牛津商务We offer you six months' interest-free credit (= without an extra charge for interest) on purchases over €800.凡购买额超过 800 欧元,我们提供六个月的免息赊账。牛津商务

