
单词 洗完
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FINISH〕Are you almost done in the shower? 你快洗完澡了吗?朗文写作活用〔FINISH〕Let me finish washing the dishes, then I can help you. 我洗完碗碟,就能帮你了。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕I do all our dishes, and leave the dog's dish till last. 我把我们的碗碟都洗完了,狗的盘子留到最后洗。朗文写作活用〔can〕You can't leave until you finish washing the dishes.你洗完盘子才能走。韦氏高阶〔clean〕Wipe that sink clean when you're done.洗完后将水槽擦干净。朗文当代〔dish〕Have you done/washed the dishes? 你洗完餐具没有?剑桥高阶〔dress〕She bathed her and dressed her.她给她洗完澡, 然后穿好衣服。外研社新世纪〔empty〕He emptied the ashtrays, washed the glasses and went to bed.他倒掉烟灰缸里的灰,洗完杯子就上床睡觉了。牛津高阶〔fog〕The bathroom was all fogged up after my shower.我洗完淋浴后浴室里雾气腾腾。韦氏高阶〔freshen〕After Martine had freshened up, they went for a long walk.马蒂娜梳洗完毕后,他们出去散了一个长步。柯林斯高阶〔give sb a shout〕Give me a shout when you've finished in the bathroom.你洗完澡后告诉我一声。剑桥高阶〔lot〕I've already done one lot of washing.我已经洗完了一批衣服。剑桥高阶〔nail〕Do your nails after your bath as they will be softer.洗完澡再修剪指甲,因为那时的指甲较软。牛津搭配〔pat〕After washing, pat your face dry with a soft towel.洗完脸之后,用一条柔软的毛巾拍干。麦克米伦高阶〔peg〕Our opinion of him went up a few pegs after he did the dishes.他洗完碗碟后我们对他的看法有所改善美国传统〔rinsability〕Having washed the towels, she began to rinse them.洗完毛巾后,她开始把它们漂洗干净。21世纪英汉〔rinse with〕After you've washed your shirt, you have to rinse it twice with clean warm water.洗完衬衣后,你必须用干净的温水漂洗两遍。21世纪英汉〔rinse〕He washed the dishes and then rinsed them thoroughly.他洗完这些盘子,然后又把它们冲干净。韦氏高阶〔rinse〕Mary rinsed out the cup and put it away.玛丽清洗完茶杯,把它放起来了。麦克米伦高阶〔rub sth/sb down〕I used a towel to rub the dog down after his bath.我给狗洗完澡后用毛巾把它的毛擦干。剑桥高阶〔rub〕After the car was washed, they gave the windshield a quick rub with a dry cloth.洗完车后,他们迅速用干布把挡风玻璃擦干。韦氏高阶〔scrub〕We finished scrubbing out the inside of all the cupboards.我们把所有的碗柜里面都擦洗完了。麦克米伦高阶〔squeaky-clean〕I love the squeaky-clean feel of my hair after I've washed it.我喜欢洗完头发后干干净净的感觉。剑桥高阶〔wipe〕When he had finished washing he began to wipe the basin clean.他清洗完后开始把洗脸池擦拭干净。柯林斯高阶After he'd finished cleaning his boots, he poured the basin of water over the lawn.他洗完靴子后将一盆水都倒在草地上。剑桥国际I felt wonderfully clean and fresh after my shower.洗完淋浴后,我觉得格外的清爽和舒适。剑桥国际I love to cover myself with talcum powder after I've had a bath or shower.洗完澡后我喜欢扑上爽身粉。剑桥国际I think he expects to be congratulated every time he does the washing up.我想他每次洗完餐具都指望得到夸奖。剑桥国际

