
单词 和平主义者
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-ist〕Later he was to become famous as a pacifist.后来他就变成了一位知名的和平主义者柯林斯高阶〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕They were pacifists and would take no part in the war. 他们是和平主义者,不愿介入战争。朗文写作活用〔as〕As I'm a pacifist, I'm against all wars.因为我是个和平主义者,我反对一切战争。韦氏高阶〔as〕As a pacifist, I'm against all wars.作为和平主义者,我反对一切战争。韦氏高阶〔green〕Green A supporter of a social and political movement that espouses global environmental protection, bioregionalism, social responsibility, and nonviolence. Green 绿色和平主义者:信奉全球环境保护、生物地域主义、社会责任感和非暴力的社会政治运动的支持者美国传统〔neutrality〕He was not a pacifist but an advocate of armed neutrality.他不是和平主义者, 而是倡导武装中立。外研社新世纪〔pacifist〕A group of pacifists were protesting the war.一群和平主义者在抗议战争。韦氏高阶〔peacenik〕A political activist who publicly opposes war, a particular war, or the proliferation of weapons; a pacifist.和平主义者:公开反对战争,特定战争或武器扩散的政治活动家;和平主义者美国传统〔protest〕Peace activists protested the war.和平主义者坚决反对这场战争。韦氏高阶Crowds of pacifists protested against the war. 成群的和平主义者抗议这场战争。译典通I've never met such an ardent pacifist as Terry.我从未见过像特里这样激情的和平主义者剑桥国际

