
单词 司令部
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADC〕Air Defense Command.防空司令部美国传统〔ATTACK〕Only a successful assault on the rebels’ headquarters could have ended the civil war. 只有成功袭击叛军司令部才有可能结束内战。朗文写作活用〔GHQ〕General headquarters.统帅部,总司令部美国传统〔NORAD〕North American Air Defense Command.北美空防联合司令部美国传统〔SAC〕Strategic Air Command.战略空军司令部美国传统〔SHAPE〕Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe.欧洲联盟军最高司令部美国传统〔TAC〕Tactical Air Command.战术空军司令部美国传统〔TELL〕We are still waiting for orders from HQ. 我们仍在等待司令部的命令。朗文写作活用〔apply to〕The captain applied to headquarters for a transfer.上尉向司令部请求调动。21世纪英汉〔armory〕A building for storing arms and military equipment, especially one serving as headquarters for military reserve personnel.军事建筑:存放武器和军事装备的大楼,尤指作为预备役人员司令部的建筑美国传统〔army〕A tactical and administrative military unit consisting of a headquarters, two or more corps, and auxiliary forces.野战部队:包括一个司令部,两个或多个军以及辅助力量的军事战略和行政单位美国传统〔cable〕The soldiers cabled back to headquarters.士兵给司令部发回了电报。韦氏高阶〔command post〕The field headquarters used by the commander of a military unit.指挥所:野外司令部,由军事单位的指挥员使用美国传统〔command〕The army's supreme command has said the army will withdraw, provided the other side does so also.陆军最高司令部说如果对方撤退,他们的部队也要撤退。柯林斯高阶〔command〕The army's supreme command has said the army will withdraw.陆军最高司令部声称部队行将撤退。外研社新世纪〔command〕The order came down from Naval Command.这命令是海军司令部下达的。韦氏高阶〔dispatch to〕The headquarters dispatched troops to the front.司令部迅速派遣部队到前线。21世纪英汉〔exchange〕He found himself exchanging a staff job at GHQ in Delhi for another with the Indian State Forces.他发现自己从德里总司令部的参谋工作调到了印度国家部队的另一份参谋工作。外研社新世纪〔ghq〕He was posted to GHQ Cairo.他被派往开罗总司令部牛津高阶〔group〕A military unit consisting of two or more battalions and a headquarters.(美国陆军的)群:包括两个或两个以上的团和一个司令部的军事单位美国传统〔headquarters〕McCreery established his headquarters at Treviso, just north of Venice.麦克里里把自己的司令部设在威尼斯正北面的特雷维索。麦克米伦高阶〔headquarters〕The offices of a commander, as of a military unit, from which orders are issued.司令部:军事分队指挥官的办公地,命令由此发出美国传统〔retire〕The headquarters ordered them to retire their troops from the front.司令部命令他们将部队从前线撤回。21世纪英汉〔runner〕The commanding officer sent a runner to headquarters.指挥官派了个送信人到司令部牛津同义词〔safe〕The messenger arrived safe at headquarters.信使平安到达司令部英汉大词典〔sergeant major〕Used as a title for a noncommissioned officer serving as chief administrative assistant of a headquarters unit of the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps.士官长:在美国陆军、空军或海军陆战队中,用作担任司令部中主要行政助理而未受军衔军官的头衔美国传统Letter bombs were sent to the army's Southeast district headquarters.信件炸弹被投递到陆军东南军区司令部剑桥国际The soldier reported to headquarters. 这个士兵向司令部作了报告。译典通They reported the movements of the enemy troops to the headquarters. 他们向司令部报告了敌军的动向。译典通They succeeded in bugging the enemy headquarters. 他们成功地在敌人司令部安装上窃听器。译典通

