
单词 很明白
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOT〕Her answer didn't make much sense to me. 她的回答我不是很明白朗文写作活用〔SELFISH/NOT SELFISH〕In the 1980s, the message was clear -- look out for number one and give no thought to the rest of society. 在20世纪80年代,那意思很明白——只顾自己,根本不考虑社会上的其他人。朗文写作活用〔STAND〕The message was clear - no matter how insulting passengers became, we couldn't do anything but grin and bear it. 这意思很明白—不管乘客怎么侮辱你,我们都只能默默忍受。朗文写作活用〔abundantly〕He has made it abundantly clear that he expects results.他已经很明白地表示他等着看结果。麦克米伦高阶〔clearly〕She explained everything very clearly.她把一切都解释得很明白牛津高阶〔clear〕She seemed clear about what she saw.她似乎很明白她看到了什么。外研社新世纪〔come the raw prawn〕Don't come the raw prawn with me - you know very well what I'm talking about.别跟我装蒜——你很明白我在说什么。剑桥高阶〔crystal clear〕We are not going to devalue the pound. I have made that crystal clear.我们不会让英镑贬值,这一点我已经说得很明白了。柯林斯高阶〔crystal-clear〕I made my position crystal-clear that I would never agree to vote for him.我很明白地表示了我的立场:我绝不同意投他的票。文馨英汉〔drive〕He didn't have to drive the point home . The videotape had done that.他不必详加解释,看了录像带就很明白了。朗文当代〔enough〕You know well enough what I mean.你很明白我的意思。英汉大词典〔eye〕I went into the job with my eyes open, fully knowing what it would involve.我开始干这项工作时是心中有数的,很明白会涉及什么。麦克米伦高阶〔fit〕I don't know quite how this new course will fit in.我不是很明白这门新的课程和其他课程有什么关系。朗文当代Considering the recent salary decrease, their discontentments are obvious. 想想最近的薪资削减他们不满的原因就很明白了。译典通I am well/acutely (=very) aware of the problems caused by this new road--it runs right past my office.我很明白这条新路造成的问题----它就在我的办公室边上。剑桥国际I know too well that I get on her tits. 我很明白自己惹怒了她。译典通I read you loud and clear.你的通话我听得很明白清楚剑桥国际The accusation was quite plainly untrue.很明白指责不真实。剑桥国际

