
单词 杂志封面
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cover boy〕An attractive young man whose picture is featured on a magazine cover.封面少年:照片被刊登在杂志封面上的年轻英俊男子美国传统〔cover girl〕An attractive young woman whose picture is featured on a magazine cover.封面女郎:照片被刊登在杂志封面上的年轻美貌女子美国传统〔cover story〕A featured story in a magazine that concerns the illustration on the cover.封面报导:在杂志中对杂志封面图片所作的专题报道美国传统〔emaciated〕There were pictures of emaciated children on the cover of the magazine.杂志封面上是几幅骨瘦如柴的儿童的照片。剑桥高阶〔feature〕This month's magazine features the new James Bond on the front cover.本月杂志封面上有新的詹姆斯·邦德的特写。麦克米伦高阶〔grace〕Her face has graced the covers of countless magazines.她的脸庞为无数的杂志封面增色。外研社新世纪〔leap out at〕The picture on the magazine's cover leaps out at you.杂志封面上的图片赫然跃入你的眼帘。韦氏高阶Hers was the sort of flawless beauty that you only usually saw on the covers of the slicks.她是那种通常只在通俗杂志封面上才见到的完美无暇的美女。剑桥国际There was a free sachet of shampoo on the front of my magazine.在我的那份杂志封面上有一袋免费赠送的洗发精。剑桥国际There were pictures of emaciated families on the cover of the magazine.杂志封面上是面黄饥瘦的几家人的照片。剑桥国际

