
单词 杯酒
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMFORT/MAKE SB FEEL BETTER〕Maybe a drink would help soothe your nerves. 也许喝一杯酒会让你镇定下来。朗文写作活用〔DRINK〕Rodney gulped his wine nervously. 罗德尼紧张不安地大口喝下了那杯酒朗文写作活用〔DRINK〕We had a few drinks to celebrate. 为了庆祝我们喝了几杯酒朗文写作活用〔DRUNK〕After the second glass of wine I was feeling a little tipsy. 喝下第二杯酒后,我感到有些醉意。朗文写作活用〔DRUNK〕I usually have a drink or two after work, but I don't think I'm an alcoholic. 下班后我通常喝一两杯酒,但我不认为自己是酒鬼。朗文写作活用〔Dutch courage〕They had a drink to give them Dutch courage.他们喝了一杯酒来壮胆。外研社新世纪〔NERVOUS〕Arnie had a drink before the meeting to steady his nerves. 开会之前,阿尼喝了一杯酒放松紧张的心情。朗文写作活用〔RELAX/RELAXED〕After a couple of drinks, Tom began to unwind. 几杯酒下肚,汤姆开始放松了。朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕An ugly little man came over and offered to buy me a drink. 一个长相丑陋、身材矮小的男人走过来,要请我喝杯酒朗文写作活用〔VISIT〕Colette offered her visitor a glass of wine. 科莉特给来客倒了杯酒朗文写作活用〔allowance〕He was allowanced a glass of wine at dinner.允许他在宴会上喝一杯酒21世纪英汉〔argumentative〕He quickly becomes argumentative after a few drinks.他几杯酒下肚,马上就变得好辩起来。朗文当代〔belt〕She took a drink from the table and belted it down.她从桌上拿了一杯酒,把它一口喝下。英汉大词典〔belt〕The old man belted a few and went back out into the cold.这老人喝了几杯酒,不顾寒冷向外走去。21世纪英汉〔bottoms up〕Here's to the groom-to-be! Bottoms up! 这杯酒敬准新郎!干杯!韦氏高阶〔bump〕Slang A shot of hard liquor, sometimes accompanied by a beer chaser.【俚语】 一杯酒:一杯烈酒,有时还加上点啤酒美国传统〔cheap〕He's the cheapest man in town; he's never bought his friends a drink.他是城里最吝啬的人,从未替朋友买过一杯酒英汉大词典〔comfort〕Being able to afford a drink would be a comfort in these tough times.在这样艰难的时期,能够有钱买杯酒就是种慰藉了。柯林斯高阶〔comfort〕Being able to afford a drink would be a comfort in these tough times.在这种艰难时世中, 能够有钱买杯酒也是种安慰。外研社新世纪〔damage〕Even one drink can impair driving performance.即使一杯酒也可能影响驾驶操作。牛津高阶〔dildo〕He acts like a real dildo after he's had a few drinks.他喝了几杯酒,就表现得像个傻瓜似的。剑桥高阶〔dop〕Let's have a dop.咱们喝杯酒吧。牛津高阶〔drain off〕He drained off the whole cup.他把整杯酒都喝光了。21世纪英汉〔drink〕An alcoholic beverage, such as a cocktail or highball.酒类:酒精饮料,如鸡尾酒或高杯酒美国传统〔drink〕Do we have time for a quick drink? 我们有没有时间喝杯酒剑桥高阶〔drink〕Have another drink .再来杯酒朗文当代〔drink〕She felt like a drink after a hard day.劳累一天之后, 她想喝杯酒外研社新世纪〔drink〕Would you like to go for a drink after work? 你下班后想去喝杯酒吗?麦克米伦高阶〔drunk〕I'd had a couple of glasses of wine but I certainly wasn't drunk.我是喝了几杯酒,但肯定没喝醉。剑桥高阶〔expand〕After a few drinks, she began to expand.几杯酒下肚, 她的话便多了起来。外研社新世纪〔familiar〕After a few drinks her boss started getting too familiar for her liking.老板几杯酒下肚以后就开始令她觉得过分亲昵。牛津高阶〔fill-in〕It's quite early, I'd like to have a drink at the pub for a fill-in.时间还很早,我想到小酒店去喝杯酒消遣一下。英汉大词典〔formality〕The guests' initial formality began to melt after a few drinks.喝了几杯酒之后客人们开始时的拘谨渐渐消失了。英汉大词典〔give〕He poured some wine into a glass and gave it to her.他倒了一杯酒给她。朗文当代〔go〕A glass of wine you can have, at 30 Israeli-pounds a go.你可以喝一杯酒,30以镑一杯。英汉大词典〔help〕He helped his neighbor to a glass of wine.他给邻座斟了一杯酒韦氏高阶〔highball〕A cocktail served in a tall glass and consisting of liquor, such as whiskey, mixed with water or a carbonated beverage.高杯酒:一种置于高玻璃杯中的鸡尾酒,在烈性酒(如威士忌)中加入水或碳酸饮料美国传统〔hit〕Slang To give a drink of liquor or a dose of a narcotic to.【俚语】 给一杯酒或一剂麻药美国传统〔imagine〕I imagine you’d like a drink.我猜想你要来杯酒牛津同义词〔inhibition〕After a few drinks, he lost his inhibitions.喝了几杯酒之后,他不再拘束。韦氏高阶〔inside〕He didn't leave the bar until he had two more glasses of wine inside him.他直到另外两杯酒下肚子后才离开酒吧。21世纪英汉〔into〕I wandered into the hotel bar and ordered a drink.我溜达进了这家旅馆的酒吧要了一杯酒麦克米伦高阶〔jug〕He drank the whole jug.他把整整一杯酒都喝了。外研社新世纪〔knock out〕The three drinks knocked him out.3杯酒就让他昏昏入睡了。柯林斯高阶〔light-headed〕After four glasses of wine he began to feel light-headed.他四杯酒下肚后开始感到头晕目眩起来。牛津高阶〔light〕I lit the fire and poured a drink.我生好火,倒了一杯酒朗文当代〔liven〕After a few drinks she livened up a little.几杯酒下肚,她活跃了一些。朗文当代〔long〕Highball is a long drink.高杯酒是一种混和酒。英汉大词典〔may〕May we offer you a glass of wine? 我们能请您喝杯酒吗?麦克米伦高阶〔mellow〕Mellowed by several drinks, he suggested that they should get married.喝了几杯酒放松下来之后, 他提议他们应该结婚。外研社新世纪〔me〕He bought me a drink.他给我买了一杯酒朗文当代〔mix〕Please mix a drink for me. = Please mix me a drink.请给我调杯酒韦氏高阶〔mooch〕He tried to mooch a drink off me.他想在我这儿蹭杯酒喝。朗文当代〔nurse〕He nursed his glass of wine.他慢慢地品尝那杯酒韦氏高阶〔pleasantly〕Another glass of wine and she began to feel pleasantly relaxed.又一杯酒喝下后, 她开始感到放松惬意。外研社新世纪〔road〕Let's have one for the road.我们喝杯酒就上路吧。麦克米伦高阶〔round〕The first person I noticed as I looked round the room was George, who was helping himself to another drink.我环顾房间, 注意到的第一个人就是正给自己又倒上一杯酒的乔治。外研社新世纪〔settle〕He took a drink to settle his nerves.他喝了一杯酒使神经镇定下来。英汉大词典〔settle〕She had a drink to settle her nerves.她喝了杯酒,让自己镇静下来。韦氏高阶〔sniff〕She sniffed at her glass of wine before tasting it.品尝那杯酒之前,她先闻了闻。剑桥高阶〔snifter〕How about a snifter before dinner? 饭前来一小杯酒怎么样?剑桥高阶〔song〕After a few drinks, they were all singing bawdy songs at the top of their voices.几杯酒下肚之后,他们都扯着嗓子唱起淫秽歌曲来。牛津搭配〔soul〕After he's had a few drinks, he's the life and soul of the party.几杯酒下肚,他便会成为宴会中最活跃的中心人物。英汉大词典〔spare〕Would you please spare me a cup of wine?请给我一杯酒,行吗?21世纪英汉〔spill〕She handed me a glass of wine with her hands shaking, a little wine spilt.她双手颤动地递给我一杯酒,有些酒溅了出来。21世纪英汉〔spin〕My head began to spin after three glasses of wine.三杯酒落肚,我的头开始发晕了。21世纪英汉〔steady〕Some people say that a drink will steady your nerves.有些人说喝杯酒能稳定情绪。剑桥高阶〔stupid〕Two glasses of wine are enough to make me stupid.两杯酒就能让我醉得不省人事。韦氏高阶〔succumb〕He finally succumbed to the temptation to have another drink.他终于抵挡不住诱惑, 又喝了一杯酒外研社新世纪〔swallow〕He swallowed a glass of wine at one gulp.他一口气吞下一杯酒文馨英汉〔swim〕After the second or third drink, my head began to swim.两三杯酒下肚之后,我就开始觉得头晕了。剑桥高阶〔take a rain check (on sth)〕Mind if I take a rain check on that drink? I have to work late tonight.这杯酒你改天再请我喝好不好?今晚我得加班工作。剑桥高阶〔talkative〕One drink and he became very talkative.一杯酒(下肚)他就变得很饶舌。文馨英汉〔tavern〕They had a drink at the tavern.他们在小酒店喝了杯酒牛津同义词〔thaw〕After a few glasses of wine Robert began to thaw a little.几杯酒下肚,罗伯特放开了些。朗文当代〔unable〕Unable to sleep, I got up and made myself a drink.我睡不着,于是起来给自己倒了杯酒朗文当代〔unbend〕I'd hoped that after a glass or two of wine she might unbend a little.我曾希望一两杯酒下肚后她可能会放松一点儿。剑桥高阶〔upset〕She stood up suddenly, upsetting a glass of wine.她蓦然起身,碰倒了一杯酒牛津高阶〔wander〕He wandered into a bar and ordered a drink.他转悠进了一家酒吧,要了一杯酒牛津搭配〔warm〕The wine soon warmed the company.那伙人几杯酒下肚就活跃起来。英汉大词典〔whacked〕Here's a glass of wine, honey - you look whacked.这里有一杯酒,亲爱的——你看起来累坏了。剑桥高阶〔window〕One glass of wine, and all my good intentions went out the window.就一杯酒,我所有的好心都白费了。朗文当代After a couple of drinks he loses his inhibition(s) (=shy feelings) and starts talking and laughing loudly.喝了几杯酒后,他祛除了顾虑,开始大声地说笑。剑桥国际After he'd had a few drinks, his speech became slurred and indistinct.他喝了几杯酒之后,说话开始变得含糊不清了。剑桥国际After the second or third drink, my head began to swim.喝了两三杯酒后我开始头晕了。剑桥国际Anyway, I was standing at the bar and this old gaffer comes up to me and asks me to buy him a drink.总之,我站在吧台前,这老头子朝我走过来,叫我给他买杯酒剑桥国际He can be very puerile when he's had a couple of drinks.他喝了几杯酒以后会非常傻气。剑桥国际He offered me a glass of wine. 他端给我一杯酒译典通He paused, drank a glass of his wine, reflected for a moment, and resumed. 他停下来,喝了一杯酒,想了一会儿,又继续说了下去。译典通He perched on a tall stool by the bar and ordered a drink.他坐在吧台前的高凳上要了杯酒剑桥国际I had two glasses of wine at lunch and it's made me feel really sleepy.我在午饭时喝了两杯酒,那使我真的感到困了。剑桥国际I'd hoped that after a glass or two of wine she might unbend a little 我曾希望喝了一两杯酒后她可能会放松一点。剑桥国际Jack really gets under my skin (= annoys me) --he never buys anyone a drink.杰克确实激怒了我----他从不给任何人买杯酒剑桥国际Pour yourself a drink and make yourself at home.给自己倒杯酒,随便一点。剑桥国际She had a drink to jazz herself up. 她喝了杯酒来兴奋一下。译典通She is an easy lay (= willing or easily persuaded to have sex) -- one drink and she's anybody's.她很容易和别人发生性关系----只要一杯酒,她就会以身相许。剑桥国际She'd had a couple of drinks and was feeling fairly horny.她喝了几杯酒,觉得欲火中烧。剑桥国际She's not above mooching a drink or a meal, even when she can afford to buy them.即使在她付得起的时候她也免不了揩油一杯酒或一顿饭。剑桥国际They'd had a couple of drinks and were in high spirits.他们喝了几杯酒之后兴高采烈。剑桥国际When I'm driving, I restrict myself to one glass of wine.开车的时候,我限制自己只喝一杯酒剑桥国际

