
单词 该词
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cambria〕Wales during Roman times. The term is now used as a poetic appellation.坎布里亚:罗马时代的威尔士。该词现在用于诗意的美称美国传统〔INVENT〕The word ‘yuppie’ is a coinage of the 1960s which found a new fame in the 1980s. “雅皮士”一词是在20世纪60年代创造出来的,到20世纪80年代该词又重新流行起来。朗文写作活用〔cabbage〕Informal Sweetheart; dear. Used as a term of endearment.【非正式用语】 甜心;爱人。该词用于表示爱意美国传统〔connotation〕The word "lady" has connotations of refinement and excessive femininity that some women find offensive.lady 一词有优雅和过分娇柔的涵义,因此某些女性觉得该词具有冒犯意。剑桥高阶〔derivation〕The word is of old French derivation.该词源于古法语。柯林斯高阶〔indeclinable〕Of, relating to, or being a word that lacks grammatical inflection though belonging to a form class whose members are usually inflected.无词形变化的:无语法形态变化的词或与其有关的,尽管通常该词所属类型的其他词都要发生语法形态的变化美国传统〔junior〕Abbr. jr.,Jr.,Jun.,jun.,jnr.Used to distinguish a son from his father when they have the same given name.缩写 jr.,Jr.,Jun.,jun.,jnr.小:当父子俩的名相同时,该词用于表示儿子的名字,以区别于父亲美国传统〔literal〕He is clearly not using the word ‘dead' in its literal sense.很显然,他并没有按dead 一词的本义来使用该词麦克米伦高阶〔misuse〕It was a clear misuse of the word.这显然是对该词的误用。麦克米伦高阶〔origin〕The origin of the word remains obscure.该词的来源尚不清楚。牛津高阶〔pronunciation〕She gave the word its French pronunciation.她读出了该词的法语发音。外研社新世纪〔pronunciation〕She gave the word its French pronunciation.她读出了该词的法语发音。柯林斯高阶〔purist〕The new edition of the dictionary carries 7000 additions to the language, which purists say is under threat.该词典的新版为该语言新增了7,000个词条,纯粹主义者们称该语言正面临威胁。柯林斯高阶〔trim〕They had to trim the dictionary from 1 200 000 words to 1 000 000.他们不得不把该词典的字数从120万字压缩到100万字。21世纪英汉〔use〕According to the dictionary, the word has two uses.根据这部词典,该词有两种用法。韦氏高阶〔word〕He enunciated the word with extreme care.他非常仔细而清晰地读出该词牛津搭配If you don't know what the word means, look it up (= look for it) in a dictionary.如果你不懂该词的含义的话,去查一查字典。剑桥国际The earliest recorded usage of the word is in the twelfth century.最早有关该词用法的记录见于12世纪。剑桥国际

