
单词 翻车
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LUCKY〕A teenager had a miraculous escape last night when the car she was travelling in overturned. 昨晚一名十几岁的女孩在她所乘的汽车翻车之后,奇迹般地死里逃生。朗文写作活用〔articulated〕An articulated lorry has overturned on the southbound carriageway, shedding its load.一辆铰接式卡车在南行车道上翻车了,货物散落一地。剑桥高阶〔cavefish〕Any of various freshwater fishes of the family Amblyopsidae, found in subterranean waters and having rudimentary, nonfunctioning eyes.洞穴鱼:钝棘翻车鱼科的淡水鱼,生活在地下水中,有退化的、不起作用的眼美国传统〔globefish〕Any of various fishes, especially the ocean sunfish or puffer, having or capable of assuming a globular shape.河豚:一种鱼,尤指翻车魨或刺魨,具有或能够膨胀形成球形美国传统〔lorry〕The motorway was closed by an overturned lorry.高速公路因为有辆卡车翻车而封闭了。牛津搭配〔obstacle〕Most competition cars will only roll over if they hit an obstacle.大多数赛车只有在撞上障碍物时才会翻车外研社新世纪〔obstacle〕Most competition cars will only roll over if they hit an obstacle.大多数赛车只有在撞上障碍物时才会翻车柯林斯高阶〔percoid〕Of or relating to the Percoidea, a large suborder of spiny-finned fishes that includes the perches, sunfishes, groupers, and grunts.鲈形亚目:属于或关于鲈鱼目的,包括河鲈、翻车鱼、石斑鱼和石鲈的针鳍鱼类的大亚目美国传统〔pin〕The passenger was pinned under the wreckage of the truck.卡车翻车后,乘客被卡住美国传统〔rampage〕Hundreds of youths rampaged through the town, shop windows were smashed and cars overturned.数百名年轻人在镇上横冲直撞, 砸碎商店玻璃, 掀翻车辆。外研社新世纪〔rampage〕Hundreds of youths rampaged through the town, shop windows were smashed and cars overturned.数百名年轻人在镇上横冲直撞,砸碎商店玻璃,掀翻车辆。柯林斯高阶〔ravine〕The bus is said to have overturned and fallen into a ravine.据说巴士发生翻车,跌进了峡谷。柯林斯高阶〔roadway〕An overturned bus was blocking the roadway.一辆公共汽车翻车,堵塞了车行道。剑桥高阶〔roll bar〕A sturdy metal bar built into the inside roof of a motor vehicle to prevent or reduce injury in case of a rollover.翻车保护杆:汽车内部顶篷上的一根结实铁杆,在万一发生翻车时防止或减轻受伤美国传统〔rollover〕An accident in which a motor vehicle overturns.一种汽车倾翻的翻车事故美国传统〔rollover〕It is hoped anti-lock brakes will prevent rollovers.人们希望防抱死刹车装置能够防止翻车柯林斯高阶〔roll〕Rally drivers sometimes have the misfortune to roll.拉力赛车手有时会遭遇翻车之灾。英汉大词典〔run〕The street ran oil after an oil truck overturned.一辆装运石油的卡车翻车后,街道上流满石油。英汉大词典〔sunfish〕Any of several large marine fishes of the family Molidae, especially the ocean sunfish.翻车鱼:翻车鱼科中的任一种大海鱼,尤指翻车海鱼美国传统〔tipple〕An apparatus for unloading freight cars by tipping them.翻车机:一种用倾翻的方式卸下货车中的货物的装置美国传统〔turn on〕Demonstrators turned on police, overturning vehicles and setting fire to them.示威者攻击警察,推翻车辆并将其纵火焚烧。柯林斯高阶〔turner〕One that turns, especially a person who operates a lathe or similar device.车工、旋工,翻车器:使东西转动的人或物,尤指操作车床或类似装置的人美国传统An articulated lorry has overturned, completely blocking the carriageway.一辆曳引卡车翻车了,完全阻塞了车道。剑桥国际

