
单词 线衫
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIT/NOT FIT〕That sweater won't be the right size for him -- he'll need an extra-large. 那件毛线衫他穿尺寸不对,他要穿特大号的。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕My aunt knitted me a blue and white striped sweater for Christmas. 姨妈织了一件蓝白条子相间的毛线衫送给我作圣诞礼物。朗文写作活用〔burn〕The acid had burnt a hole in my sweater.酸把我的毛线衫烧了个洞。麦克米伦高阶〔flat〕People wear slacks, sweaters, flat shoes, and all manner of casual attire for travel.人们穿休闲裤、毛线衫、低跟鞋以及各式各样的休闲服装出行。外研社新世纪〔inside〕You've got your sweater on inside out.你把毛线衫穿反了。牛津高阶〔knit〕She's knitting herself a sweater.她正在给自己织毛线衫21世纪英汉〔patch〕She wore a sweater with patches on the elbows.她穿着一件肘部打补丁的毛线衫麦克米伦高阶〔pull〕He pulled his sweater on.他穿上了毛线衫牛津搭配〔roll〕He rolled his sweater into a pillow.他把毛线衫团成了枕头。外研社新世纪〔shrug〕A woman's short jacket or sweater open down the front.女式短茄克衫或前开襟毛线衫美国传统〔stonewashed〕She was wearing stonewashed jeans, a sweater, and cowboy boots.她穿着石磨水洗的牛仔裤、毛线衫和牛仔靴。韦氏高阶〔stuff〕She stuffed two more sweaters into her bag.她又往她的袋子里塞了两件毛线衫朗文当代〔sweater〕Put a sweater on if you're cold.如果你觉得冷就穿件毛线衫吧。剑桥高阶〔under〕I was wearing two sweaters under my jacket.我在夹克里套了两件毛线衫外研社新世纪〔under〕I was wearing two sweaters under the green army jacket.我在绿军装里套了两件毛线衫柯林斯高阶〔wear〕I always seem to wear a hole in the left elbow of my sweaters.我似乎老是会把毛线衫的左肘处磨出洞来。剑桥高阶〔yarn〕She still spins the yarn and knits sweaters for her family.她仍然纺纱为家人织毛线衫柯林斯高阶The sweater was itchy (=made of rough material).这件毛线衫穿上使人身体发痒。剑桥国际

