
单词 耐力
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕Gina surprised us all with her bravery and endurance. 基娜的勇气和耐力令我们都感到吃惊。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Leroy alternated aerobic exercises with weight training to improve his stamina. 勒罗伊交替做有氧操和负重练习,以增强耐力朗文写作活用〔DIFFICULT〕Before they join the army, young recruits are put through a particularly grueling endurance course. 年轻的新兵入伍前都要接受一项特别艰苦的耐力训练。朗文写作活用〔Morgan〕Any of a breed of American saddle and trotting horses noted for strength, speed, and endurance.摩根马:任一种美国的能载重或当坐骑的轻型马,以其强健、快速和耐力而出名美国传统〔STRONG〕Ahmedi's performances were world-class in the 1500 metres but he just didn't have the staying power for longer races. 艾哈迈迪在1,500米中的表现是世界一流的,但更长距离的比赛,他的耐力就不够了。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕The expeditions behind enemy lines were a tremendous test of one's endurance and nerves. 在敌军后方远征是对一个人的耐力和勇气的极大考验。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕The people showed great courage, patience, and endurance during the long years of the war. 在漫长的战争岁月里,人们表现出了巨大的勇气、耐心和忍耐力朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕The triathlon is the ultimate endurance test. 铁人三项赛是对一个人忍耐力的终极考验。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕You have to admire her staying power. No one else has managed to stick that job for more than a year! 你不能不佩服她的耐力。那工作没有谁坚持得了一年以上的!朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕You need stamina to be a long-distance runner. 当长跑运动员需要耐力朗文写作活用〔astound〕He used to astound his friends with feats of physical endurance.他惊人的耐力过去常常让朋友们大为吃惊。外研社新世纪〔astound〕He used to astound his friends with feats of physical endurance.过去,他表现出来的惊人耐力常让朋友们大吃一惊。柯林斯高阶〔athletics〕Activities, such as sports, exercises, and games, that require physical skill and stamina.体育:需要身体技能和耐力的活动,如运动、锻炼和游戏美国传统〔barb〕A horse of a breed introduced by the Moors into Spain from northern Africa that resembles the Arabians and is known for its speed and endurance.非洲马:摩尔人由北非传入西班牙的一种马,类似阿拉伯马,以其速度和耐力著称美国传统〔barb〕The barb is a horse with great stamina.柏柏里马是一种耐力很强的马。外研社新世纪〔bear〕She bore all her suffering with incredible patience.她以令人难以置信的耐力忍受了所有痛苦。麦克米伦高阶〔bottom〕Staying power; stamina. Used of a horse.耐力;体力。用于指马的耐力美国传统〔breed〕The new breed of walking holidays puts the emphasis on enjoyment, not endurance.这种新型的徒步旅行假日重在愉悦身心,而不是为了锻炼耐力柯林斯高阶〔endurance〕A marathon tests a runner's endurance.马拉松赛可测出一个跑步运动员的耐力美国传统〔endurance〕Endurance athletes usually peak later in life.耐力型运动员的巅峰时期往往来得比较晚。外研社新世纪〔endurance〕He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness.他在整个生病期间表现出非凡的忍耐力牛津高阶〔endurance〕Heavy manual work calls for strength and endurance.繁重的体力劳动需要力气和耐力牛津搭配〔endurance〕Running a marathon is a test of human endurance.马拉松长跑是对人耐力的考验。剑桥高阶〔endurance〕Running a marathon is seen by many as the ultimate test of endurance.许多人将跑马拉松视为对耐力极限的挑战。牛津搭配〔endurance〕She showed great endurance in the face of pain.她面对痛苦表现出极大的忍耐力牛津搭配〔endurance〕Swimming a little farther each session will build endurance.每次游得远一点将会增强耐力牛津搭配〔endurance〕The big climb was a test of endurance.那次艰险的攀登对攀登者的耐力是个考验。牛津同义词〔endurance〕The exercise obviously will improve strength and endurance.这种锻炼会明显改善体力,增加耐力柯林斯高阶〔endurance〕The exercise program is designed to increase both strength and endurance.这个锻炼计划的目标是提高力量和耐力韦氏高阶〔endurance〕The exercise will improve strength and endurance.这种锻炼会改善体力, 增加耐力外研社新世纪〔endurance〕The long journey tested their courage and endurance to the limit.长途跋涉考验了他们的勇气和耐力的极限。麦克米伦高阶〔endurance〕The party turned out to be more of an endurance test than a pleasure.这次聚会结果成了一次耐力测试,而不是一件乐事。牛津高阶〔endurance〕The task was a test of their powers of endurance.这项任务是对他们忍耐力的考验。牛津搭配〔endurance〕There is a limit to human endurance.人的忍耐力是有限度的。外研社新世纪〔endurance〕They are capable of amazing feats of endurance.他们有非凡的忍耐力牛津搭配〔endurance〕They have to be men of great endurance.他们必须是很有耐力的人。文馨英汉〔enduro〕A race, as of motorcycles or runners, that tests endurance.耐力赛:测试耐力的比赛,如摩托车及跑步运动员的比赛美国传统〔fakir〕A Hindu ascetic or religious mendicant, especially one who performs feats of magic or endurance.托钵僧:印度教的禁欲主义者或托钵僧,尤指具有非凡的技艺和忍耐力美国传统〔feat〕An act of skill, endurance, imagination, or strength; an achievement.手艺:有技术、耐力、想象力或力量的行为;本领美国传统〔feat〕She was capable of remarkable feats of endurance.她有超乎常人的忍耐力牛津搭配〔gut〕To show pluck and perseverance in the face of opposition or adversity.坚持到底:在对立和逆境中显示出勇气和耐力美国传统〔have a strong stomach〕You need to have a very strong stomach to watch some of the surgery scenes.要观看某些外科手术场面,你需要有极强的忍耐力剑桥高阶〔hold〕I wonder whether her stamina will hold out.我想知道她的耐力到底行不行。麦克米伦高阶〔hone〕He runs every day to hone his stamina.为了增强耐力,他每天都进行跑步锻炼。21世纪英汉〔how〕How is that for endurance!多么有忍耐力啊!外研社新世纪〔improvement〕With this exercise plan you will notice an enormous improvement in your stamina.按照这个计划进行锻炼,你会发现自己的耐力大大提高。牛津搭配〔intestinal fortitude〕Courage; endurance.毅力:勇气;忍耐力美国传统〔ironman〕A male athlete of remarkable endurance or durability.铁人:在运动方面有过人的忍耐力或持久力的男性美国传统〔ironwoman〕A female athlete of remarkable endurance or durability.女铁人:在运动方面有过人的忍耐力或持久力的女性美国传统〔last out〕I'm not convinced his stamina will last out in such a fierce contest.我无法相信他的耐力能在这么激烈的比赛中撑到最后。外研社新世纪〔last〕He had the last to continue long against adversity.他有长期忍受逆境的耐力英汉大词典〔marathon〕An event or activity that requires prolonged effort or endurance.需要长时间努力或耐力的事件或活动美国传统〔mellow〕Having the gentleness, wisdom, or tolerance often characteristic of maturity.老练的,稳健的:具有常被作为成熟之特征的温和性情、智慧和忍耐力美国传统〔narrow-minded〕Lacking tolerance, breadth of view, or sympathy; petty.才智有限的:缺乏忍耐力、认识深度或同情心的;气量小的美国传统〔narrow〕It narrowed down to a mere contest of endurance.这件事结果纯粹成了耐力的较量。英汉大词典〔nerve〕Fortitude; stamina.刚毅;耐力美国传统〔outstay〕But he outstays me.但是他在耐力上比我强。21世纪英汉〔outstay〕She outstayed her opponents and won the race.她比对手更有耐力而胜了这样比赛美国传统〔patience〕Most people wouldn't have the patience for such painstaking work.大部分人不会有耐力去从事那么辛苦的工作。麦克米伦高阶〔pick up〕What matters most is sheer stamina, the physical and mental ability to pick yourself up after the latest setback.最重要的是具备十足的耐力, 是让自己从上一次挫折中振作起来的身体和心理素质。外研社新世纪〔severe〕The marathon is a severe test of stamina.马拉松赛跑是对耐力的严峻考验。牛津高阶〔slightly〕The best activities for stamina are fairly energetic; they need to get you slightly out of breath.最能够锻炼耐力的是那些需要一定体能、能让人呼吸稍感急促的活动。柯林斯高阶〔staminal〕Of or relating to stamina or endurance.有精力或耐力的或与之相关的美国传统〔stamina〕Aerobic exercise helps to build up stamina.有氧健身操有助于增强耐力牛津搭配〔stamina〕Final exams at college can be as much a test of stamina as of knowledge.大学里的期末考试既考知识也考耐力牛津搭配〔stamina〕He is working to improve his strength and stamina.他正加紧训练以增强体力和耐力牛津搭配〔stamina〕I don’t have the stamina to run long distances.我没有跑长距离的耐力牛津同义词〔stamina〕It takes a lot of stamina to run a marathon.跑马拉松需要很大的耐力牛津高阶〔stamina〕Physical or moral strength to resist or withstand illness, fatigue, or hardship; endurance.精力:防止疾病、疲劳或经受磨难的体力或意力;耐力美国传统〔stamina〕The triathlon is a great test of stamina.铁人三项运动是对耐力的极大考验。剑桥高阶〔stamina〕You need stamina to be a long-distance runner.当长跑运动员需要耐力朗文当代〔stayer〕He's a stayer.他跑步耐力持久。外研社新世纪〔stayer〕The horse isn't very fast but it's a stayer and always finishes even the longest races.这匹马速度不是很快,但它耐力很好,再长的赛程也总能跑完全程。剑桥高阶〔staying power〕Someone who lacks staying power and persistence is unlikely to make a good researcher.缺乏耐力和毅力的人不可能成为出色的研究员。柯林斯高阶〔staying power〕They do not have much staying power.他们没有多少耐力外研社新世纪〔stay〕He does not seem (to be) able to stay to the end of a race.他好像没有耐力跑到终点。文馨英汉〔stickability〕The long list of jobs on her CV suggests a lack of stickability.她简历上的那一长串工作说明她缺乏忍耐力牛津高阶〔strength〕She had the strength and stamina to take the lead and win the gold medal.她有领先并夺金的体力和耐力剑桥高阶〔stupendous〕He was a man of stupendous stamina and energy.他是个有着超强耐力、精力充沛的人。柯林斯高阶〔test〕That lecture really tested my powers of endurance, it was so boring.那个讲座简直是在考验我的忍耐力,实在太枯燥了。剑桥高阶〔test〕The long climb tested our fitness and stamina.那次长距离爬山是对我们健康状况和耐力的考验。牛津高阶〔test〕The long climb tested their powers of endurance.长时间的攀登考验他们的耐力英汉大词典〔test〕The recruits were put through a week of demanding endurance tests.新兵接受了为期一周的艰苦的耐力测试。牛津搭配〔tolerance〕My tolerance of noise is limited.我对噪声的忍耐力是有限的。英汉大词典〔tolerance〕The capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others.宽容;忍耐力:承认并尊重他人的信仰或行为的能力或行动美国传统〔tolerance〕The capacity to endure hardship or pain.耐力:忍受困难和痛苦的能力美国传统〔tolerance〕There is lowered pain tolerance, lowered resistance to infection.对疼痛的忍耐力降低了,对感染的抵抗力也减弱了。柯林斯高阶〔tolerance〕There is lowered pain tolerance, lowered resistance to infection.疼痛忍耐力有所降低, 抗感染力也下降了。外研社新世纪〔ultimate〕Christmas is the ultimate endurance test.圣诞节是对耐力的终极考验。外研社新世纪〔weight training〕Weightlifting done as a training program for improving or maintaining overall fitness, strength, or endurance.重量训练:将举重做为一训练课程,用以增加或维持整体体适能、体力或耐力美国传统〔wind sprint〕A sprint run repeatedly to develop breath and endurance.快速冲刺:一种不断重复进行以训练呼吸和耐力的冲刺美国传统〔work on sth〕His dancing technique is good, but he needs to work on his stamina.他的舞技不错,但还需要提高耐力剑桥高阶Marathon runners often have to push themselves beyond the extent (= limits) of their endurance.马拉松运动员经常不得不强令自己超越自己耐力的限度。剑桥国际Marathons require incredible stamina (of the runners).马拉松需要(赛跑者)有惊人的耐力剑桥国际Running a marathon is a test of human endurance and the power of mind over body.跑马拉松是对人类耐力和毅力战胜体力的考验。剑桥国际She had the strength and stamina to take the lead and win the gold medal by 0.39 seconds.她有领先的体力和耐力并以0.39秒的优势夺得金牌。剑桥国际That lecture really tested my powers of endurance, it was so boring.那堂课真是在考验我的忍耐力,它是那么乏味。剑桥国际The horse isn't very fast but it's a stayer and always finishes even the longest races.这马速度不是很快,但它耐力很好,总是能跑完甚至是最长的赛程。剑桥国际The triathlon is a great test of stamina.铁人三项赛是对耐力的极大考验。剑桥国际You need a lot of stamina to run that sort of distance.你跑这样长的距离需要许多耐力剑桥国际

