
单词 辨认出来
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIFFERENT〕The melodies of most composers have distinguishing characteristics which make them instantly identifiable. 大多数作曲家的旋律都具有与众不同的特征,使它们一听便可辨认出来朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕Macy has an instantly recognizable voice. 梅西有着让人马上就能辨认出来的嗓音。朗文写作活用〔identifiable〕She is easily identifiable by her long hair.她容易以她的长发辨认出来文馨英汉〔identifiable〕The house is easily identifiable by the large tree outside.这房子很容易从外面的这棵大树辨认出来牛津高阶〔identifiable〕The police were identifiable by their uniform.警察可以从其制服辨认出来朗文当代〔legible〕The price must be legible to a purchaser.价格务必写清楚,让买家一眼就能辨认出来牛津搭配〔recognizable〕John's car was easily recognizable.约翰的车很容易辨认出来牛津搭配〔recognize〕This is the only species of flamingo in the region, easily recognized by its pink plumage.这是那个地区唯一一种火烈鸟,很容易凭粉红色的羽毛辨认出来牛津搭配〔rub〕I managed to make out the inscription in spite of its being so rubbed.尽管碑文磨损得很厉害,我还是把它辨认出来了。英汉大词典〔streak〕The bird can be recognized by the dark streaks on its breast.这种鸟可由其胸部的黑色条纹辨认出来麦克米伦高阶A mature male lion can be identified by the long dark mane of hair around its face and neck.成年雄狮可以通过它脸四周和脖子上的深色长鬣毛辨认出来剑桥国际Some people's voices are hard to recognise on the phone.有些人的声音在电话上很难辨认出来剑桥国际

