
单词 硅酸
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔allophane〕An amorphous, translucent, variously colored mineral, essentially hydrous aluminum silicate.水铝英石:一种不定形的半透明的多色矿物,主要成份是水合硅酸美国传统〔bentonite〕An absorbent aluminum silicate clay formed from volcanic ash and used in various adhesives, cements, and ceramic fillers.膨润土,斑脱土:由火山灰形成的一种具有吸附能力的铝硅酸盐粘土,用于各种粘合剂、水泥和陶瓷填料美国传统〔borosilicate〕A salt that is derived from both boric acid and silicic acid and occurs naturally in dumortierite.硼硅酸盐:由硼酸和硅酸反应而得的一种盐,存在于自然界蓝线石中美国传统〔clay mineral〕Any of various hydrous silicates that have a fine crystalline structure and are components of clay.粘土矿物:一种有精细晶体结构的含水硅酸盐,是粘土的构成成分美国传统〔crocidolite〕A fibrous, lavender-blue or greenish mineral, a sodium iron silicate that is used as a commercial form of asbestos.青石棉:一种纤维状的淡紫蓝色或淡绿色矿物,是被作为工业用石棉使用的纳铁硅酸美国传统〔felsic〕Relating to or containing a group of light-colored silicate minerals that occur in igneous rocks.火成岩中的有关或包含一系列浅颜色的硅酸盐矿物美国传统〔gummite〕An orange-red to grayish yellow mixture of several uranium oxides, silicates, and salts occurring naturally in the oxidation and hydration of uraninite.脂铅铀矿:一种由桔红到黄灰色的多种铀氧化物、硅酸盐和盐的混和物,在铀矿物的自然氧化作用和水合作用中形成美国传统〔nepheline〕A mineral of sodium-aluminum or potassium-aluminum silicate, occurring worldwide in igneous rocks and used in the manufacture of ceramics and enamels.霞岩:硅酸铝钠或硅酸铝钾矿石,见于全世界范围内的火成岩中,用于生产陶瓷和搪瓷制品美国传统〔nephrite〕A white to dark green variety of jade, chiefly a metasilicate of iron, calcium, and magnesium.软玉:一种由浅至深的绿色玉,主要指铁、钙和镁的硅酸盐物质美国传统〔rhodolite〕A rose-red or pink variety of garnet, a silicate mineral used as a gem.镁铁榴石:不同的玫瑰红或粉红色的石榴石,作为宝石使用的硅酸盐矿美国传统〔sapphirine〕A rare light blue or green aluminum-magnesium silicate mineral.假蓝宝石:一种稀有的浅蓝色或绿色的镁-铝硅酸盐组成的矿物美国传统〔silicate〕Any of numerous compounds containing silicon, oxygen, and one or more metals; a salt of silicic acid.硅酸盐:一种含硅、氧、一种或多种金属的化合物;一种硅酸类盐美国传统〔stony meteorite〕Any of various common meteorites consisting largely of silicate minerals and classified as achondrites or anachondrites.石质陨石:各种普通陨石之一,主要成分是硅酸盐矿物,归类为无球粒陨石美国传统〔stony-iron meteorite〕A relatively rare type of meteorite consisting of approximately equal amounts by weight of nickel-iron and silicate minerals.铁石陨石:相对稀有的陨石,构成成分中的镍铁矿和硅酸盐矿的重量大致相同.美国传统〔vermiculite〕Any of a group of micaceous hydrated silicate minerals related to the chlorites and used in heat-expanded form as insulation and as a planting medium.蛭石:与绿混石有关的一组含云母的水合硅酸盐矿物质的统称,并以热膨胀形式用作绝缘材料和种植媒介美国传统

