
单词 破落
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONDITION〕The men were hiding in an abandoned theater in a run-down part of the city. 那些男子躲在城市破落区的一间废弃剧院里。朗文写作活用〔EDGE〕We spent the night in, a miserable little border town. 我们在一个破落的边境小镇上过夜。朗文写作活用〔surreal〕The house was a surreal mixture of opulence and decay.这座房子破落中透着奢华,犹如幻梦一般。朗文当代〔trundle〕A few horse-drawn carts still trundle through the dilapidated mining villages.几辆马车仍然在破落的采矿村庄中艰难行进。外研社新世纪〔trundle〕A few horse-drawn carts still trundle through the dilapidated mining villages… 几架马车仍然在破落的矿村中曲折行进。柯林斯高阶〔without〕We passed two ruined abbeys, one with a tower and one without.我们路过两座破落的寺院,一座有塔楼,另一座没有。朗文当代He rented an apartment in a seedy neighborhood and furnished it with a few cheesy chairs and a bed.他在一个肮脏破落的街区租了一套公寓,家具只有几把粗陋的椅子和一张床。剑桥国际They bought a decaying 16th-century manor house and restored it to its original splendour.他们买了一座破落的16世纪庄园房子,并使它恢复了原来的壮丽景象。剑桥国际Today, the once-grand streets are characterized by decaying HMOs, sorely in need not just of redecoration but more fundamental repair.今天,曾一度繁华的大街上布满了破落的合住房屋,不仅迫切需要重新装修,还需要更多的基础维修。剑桥国际

