
单词 黄金时间
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FREE〕During ‘Golden Time’, the pupils are free to choose the activity they would like to do. 在“黄金时间”学生可自由选择自己喜欢的活动。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕At this time of year, most of the primetime shows are reruns. 一年中的这个时候,大部分黄金时间播放的节目都是重播的。朗文写作活用〔adventure〕That network has access to four percent of the prime time for adventure and mysteries.那家电视台播放的冒险和疑案节目可占去黄金时间的4%。英汉大词典〔anchor〕Diane Sawyer, co-anchor of ABC's Prime Time Live 美国广播公司《黄金时间现场直播》的联合主持人戴安·索耶麦克米伦高阶〔candidate〕The program is a good candidate for TV prime time around Christmas.这个节目大有可能选在圣诞节的电视黄金时间内播放。英汉大词典〔prime time〕He's the best actor in prime time.他是黄金时间电视节目的最佳男演员。韦氏高阶〔prime time〕In radio, morning is prime time.对广播来说, 早上为黄金时间外研社新世纪〔prime time〕The interview will be broadcast during prime time.这次采访将在黄金时间播出。剑桥高阶〔prime time〕The program is being shown during prime time.这个节目正在黄金时间播出。韦氏高阶〔rating〕The network's prime-time ratings are up 150%.该电视网的黄金时间收视率上升了 150%。牛津搭配The interview will be broadcast during prime time, at seven o'clock in the evening.这次采访将在晚上7 点的黄金时间播出。剑桥国际The network will premiére five new prime-time TV series this fall.今年秋天该电视网将首演5 部新的黄金时间电视系列剧。剑桥国际The show was on television during prime time, when everyone was watching. 这节目在黄金时间播映,这时大家都在看电视。译典通

