
单词 面形
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KEEP〕You should keep written records of all business expenses. 你应该把所有的商业支出都以书面形式记录下来。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕She is a member of a religious sect that was formed from various aspects of Asian religions. 她是一个宗教派别的成员,该宗派由亚洲诸宗教的各个方面形成。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕A deal was made, but apparently nothing was ever put in writing. 交易达成了,但是显然什么都没有以书面形式写下来。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕All bids must be submitted in writing to the above address. 所有的投标必须以书面形式寄往上述地址。朗文写作活用〔angle〕The figure formed by two planes diverging from a common line.平面角:从一条公共直线出发的两个平面形成的图形美国传统〔apologize〕To make a formal defense or justification in speech or writing.辩解,辩护:以口头或书面形式作的正式辩解或辩护美国传统〔bay window〕Architecture A large window or series of windows projecting from the outer wall of a building and forming a recess within.【建筑学】 凸窗:从楼的外墙突出来的一个大窗或一连串窗子,里面形成一个凹壁美国传统〔cancellation〕Cancellations must be made in writing.取消预订必须以书面形式进行。牛津搭配〔claim〕All claims must be made in writing.索赔要求都必须以书面形式提出。韦氏高阶〔claim〕All claims should be made in writing.所有的索赔都应以书面形式提出。朗文当代〔colour〕All too often it is only the negative images of Ireland that are portrayed, colouring opinions and hiding the true nature of the country.媒体往往描绘的只是爱尔兰的负面形象,影响了大家的看法,掩盖了这个国家的真实面貌。柯林斯高阶〔comment〕A written note intended as an explanation, an illustration, or a criticism of a passage in a book or other writing; an annotation.注释,评论:打算作为一本书或其他书面形式里一段解释、说明或批评的文字记录;注解美国传统〔committee〕My reasons were stated in writing and circulated to all committee members.我提出的几个理由以书面形式呈现,在所有委员会成员中传阅。柯林斯高阶〔consensus〕The agency helped develop a consensus on conservation.该机构帮助在自然资源保护方面形成共识。牛津搭配〔continually〕These negative images are continually being reinforced by the media.媒体反复强化这些负面形象。外研社新世纪〔dihedral angle〕Mathematics The angle formed by two intersecting planes.【数学】 二面角:由两个交叉平面形成的角度美国传统〔discharge〕An official document certifying such release, especially from military service.退伍令:以书面形式证明解除的官方文件,尤指从军队退伍美国传统〔discuss〕To examine or consider (a subject) in speech or writing.论述,详述:以口头或书面形式来检查或考虑(主题)美国传统〔disquisition〕A formal discourse on a subject, often in writing.专题论文;专题演讲,专题讨论:关于一个论题的正式讨论,常为书面形美国传统〔dross〕A waste product or an impurity, especially an oxide, formed on the surface of molten metal.废料或混杂物,尤指在融化金属表面形成的氧化物美国传统〔evil〕They are setting an evil example for their children.他们正给孩子们树立道德败坏的反面形象。柯林斯高阶〔favourable〕The biography shows him in a favourable light.传记刻画出了他的正面形象。牛津高阶〔form〕A thin layer of plastic forms a protective coating over the surface.一层薄薄的塑料在表面形成一层保护膜。韦氏高阶〔geometry〕A surface shape.表面形美国传统〔hade〕The angle of inclination from the vertical of a vein, fault, or lode.倾斜余角:因矿脉,断层或矿井倾斜而与垂直面形成的角度美国传统〔honeycomb〕To form in or cover with a pattern like that of a honeycomb.使内部或表面形成蜂窝状美国传统〔hump〕The terrain was humped into low ridges.地面形成了一个较低的脊状突起。外研社新世纪〔ill-advised〕I think he was ill-advised to put his suggestions down on paper.我认为他以书面形式提出建议有失考虑。外研社新世纪〔image〕The charity is trying to promote positive images of mental handicap.该慈善机构正在努力提升智障者的正面形象。麦克米伦高阶〔image〕The industry is trying to shed its negative image.这个行业正在竭力摆脱自己的负面形象。牛津搭配〔image〕Treating disabled people like children only reinforces negative images of disability.像对待儿童那样对待残疾人只会强化残疾人在人们心目中的负面形象。牛津搭配〔inform〕We will inform you in writing if your application has been successful.如果你的申请获得成功,我们将以书面形式通知你。麦克米伦高阶〔in〕I want it in writing.我想要书面形式的。外研社新世纪〔jack-o'-lantern〕A lantern made from a hollowed pumpkin with a carved face, usually displayed on Halloween.杰克灯,南瓜灯:把南瓜挖空并雕成人面形状,通常在万圣节出现美国传统〔mildew〕Any of various fungi that form a superficial, usually whitish growth on plants and various organic materials.霉,霉菌:通常在植物或多种有机物表面形成白色生长物的菌类中的一种美国传统〔moiré〕Having a wavy or rippled surface pattern. Used of fabric.波纹的:有一个波状的或起波浪的表面形状的;被用于织物的词美国传统〔neural arch〕A bony or cartilaginous arch that arises from the dorsal side of a vertebra to enclose the spinal cord.神经弓,椎弓:在脊椎背面形成的骨弓或软骨弓形,用来包住脊髓美国传统〔notification〕The first notification must be in writing.首次通知须以书面形式进行。外研社新世纪〔oral〕The statement may be given orally or in writing.这份声明可以口头或书面形式发出。朗文当代〔outset〕It's better to get something in writing right at the outset.最好一开始就以书面形式写下来。朗文当代〔permit〕Permission, especially in written form.许可:许可,尤指书面形式的许可美国传统〔pond scum〕Any of various freshwater algae that form a usually greenish film on the surface of stagnant water.绿藻:一种淡水藻,它在死水表面形成一个通常为淡绿色的薄膜美国传统〔provide〕Section 17 provides that all decisions must be circulated in writing.第17条规定,所有的决定都必须以书面形式发放通知。剑桥高阶〔pyramid〕A solid figure with a polygonal base and triangular faces that meet at a common point.棱锥:多面形的底痤和三角形的侧面在一个共同点处相接的固体的轮廓美国传统〔quit〕Landlords are normally required to give 28 days' written notice to quit.房东通常应该提前 28 天以书面形式通知房客搬离。牛津搭配〔ravine〕A deep, narrow valley or gorge in the earth's surface worn by running water.沟壑:由于河流冲刷而在地球表面形成的深而窄的山谷或峡谷美国传统〔ripple〕To form or display little undulations or waves on the surface, as disturbed water does.成波浪状;起涟漪:在表面形成或表现出起伏或波浪,如被搅动的水形成的美国传统〔scum〕A filmy layer of extraneous or impure matter that forms on or rises to the surface of a liquid or body of water.浮渣:在水面上或水体表面形成或浮到水面上的一薄层浮垢或渣滓美国传统〔see〕They didn't see the need/any need (= understand that it was important) to notify their members of the changes in writing.他们认为没有必要用书面形式通知其成员相关变化。剑桥高阶〔slope〕The ground slopes away steeply at the back of the house.屋后的地面形成陡坡。牛津搭配〔solid angle〕An angle formed by three or more planes intersecting at a common point.立体角:相交于同一点的三个或更多平面形成的角美国传统〔streak〕Sunlight streaks the water with gold.阳光使水面形成条条金色光栅。21世纪英汉〔submit〕Requests must be submitted in writing.请求必须以书面形式提交。韦氏高阶〔title〕A written piece of translated dialogue superimposed at the bottom of the frame during a film; a subtitle.字幕:电映放映时叠映在画面底部的翻译过来的对话的书面形式;字幕美国传统〔trihedral〕Having or formed by three planes meeting at a point.三面体的:三个平面相交于一点的或由三个相交于一点的平面形成的美国传统〔vidicon〕A small television camera tube that forms a charge-density image on a photoconductive surface for subsequent electron-beam scanning.光导摄像管:在光电导表面形成电荷聚集图像的一种微小的电视摄像管,用于以后的电子光束扫描美国传统〔writing〕All bookings must be confirmed in writing.所有预约都要以书面形式确定。剑桥高阶〔writing〕All telephone reservations must be confirmed in writing.所有的电话预订必须以书面形式确认。牛津高阶〔writing〕Make sure you get all estimates of the cost in writing.得到书面形式的某物麦克米伦高阶〔writing〕Put it in writing.以书面形式把它记下来美国传统〔writing〕You must put the offer in writing.你必须以书面形式提出要约。外研社新世纪Applications for funding must be submitted in writing in due form.拨款申请必须按规定格式以书面形式递交。牛津商务Cancellations must be made in writing.撤销必须以书面形式提出。牛津商务Could you confirm your booking in writing within three days, please.请在3日之内以书面形式确定你的预约。剑桥国际Please apply in writing with full CV to the Human Resources Manager.请以书面形式并连同详尽的个人简历向人力资源经理提出申请。牛津商务Section 17 provides that all decisions must be circulated in writing.第17 款规定所有的决定都必须以书面形式散发。剑桥国际She loves to communicate her ideas to the public, both orally and through the written word.她喜欢向公众发表她的看法,既以口头形式,也以书面形式。剑桥国际The light is causing a reflection on my computer screen.光线在我的电脑屏幕上面形成反射。剑桥国际The negative image of a witch in popular culture is an evil old woman stirring a simmering cauldron and casting spells, who wears a black cloak and a tall pointed hat and carries a broomstick.通俗文化中女巫的反面形象是一个正在搅拌着沸腾的大锅,念着符咒的邪恶老太婆。她身穿一件黑色斗篷,头戴一顶尖尖的帽子,并拿着一个扫帚柄。剑桥国际We are concerned about the negative image of blacks that is portrayed in the mass media.我们为传媒所描绘的黑人的反面形象而深感担忧。剑桥国际We'll need to have your agreement in writing before we can proceed.在我们实施之前,需要有你的书面形式的同意。剑桥国际Whilst claiming to promote positive images of women, advertisers are in fact doing the very opposite.登广告者声称要宣传妇女的正面形象,而实际效果适得其反。剑桥国际Will you confirm your reservation in writing by Friday, please.请你在周五之前用书面形式确认一下你的预订。剑桥国际

