
单词 逃难
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WAY〕Pictures of fleeing refugees were used as an effective propaganda tool against the Communists. 出逃难民的照片被用作有效的反共宣传工具。朗文写作活用〔funk hole〕A dugout or similar place of shelter or refuge.掩蔽洞:防空洞或用以掩蔽或逃难的类似场所美国传统〔makeshift〕The refugees slept in makeshift tents at the side of the road.逃难者睡在路边临时搭建的帐篷里。朗文当代〔refugee〕A flood of displaced refugees fled west.大批背井离乡的难民像潮水般向西边逃难牛津搭配The refugees were at sea (= in a boat on the sea a long way from land) for forty days before reaching land.逃难者在海上航行了四十天才到达陆地。剑桥国际

