
单词 flavoring
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bavarian cream〕A dessert of custard, whipped cream, gelatin, and often other flavorings, such as puréed fruit or chocolate.巴伐利亚奶油甜点:用蛋奶冻、掼奶油、果冻和其它调味料制成的甜品,如水果泥或巧克力泥美国传统〔May wine〕A still white wine with woodruff flavoring, often containing orange or pineapple slices.五月酒:配以香车叶草、橙子或菠萝片的不起泡的白葡萄酒美国传统〔almond〕The ellipsoidal kernel of this tree, either eaten as a nut or used for extraction of an oil for flavoring.杏树果:这种树的椭圆形果子,可作坚果食用或提炼调味油美国传统〔annatto〕The seed of this plant, used as a coloring and sometimes as a flavoring, especially in Latin American cuisine.胭脂树籽:这种植物的种籽,用作染色品,有时作调味品,尤其在拉丁美洲的烹调中美国传统〔banana oil〕A liquid mixture of amyl acetate and usually nitrocellulose, having a bananalike odor and used as a solvent or flavoring agent.香蕉油:由醋酸戊酯和通常为硝化纤维素组成的混合物,有类似香蕉的气味,用作溶剂或调味剂美国传统〔butterscotch〕A syrup, sauce, candy, or flavoring made by melting butter, brown sugar, and sometimes artificial flavorings.奶油膏,奶油沙司,奶油硬糖:由融化的奶油、黄糖,有时还有香精混合熬制的糖浆、沙司、糖块或调味品美国传统〔calamondin〕The sour fruit of this plant, resembling a small tangerine and sometimes used as a flavoring or for beverages, sauces, or marmalades.柠檬:这种植物的酸味果实,与小的柑桔相似,用作调味剂或制作饮料、酱油或果酱美国传统〔caramel〕A smooth, chewy candy made with sugar, butter, cream or milk, and flavoring.卡拉梅尔糖:一种光滑宜多咀嚼的糖块,用砂糖、黄油、奶油或牛奶,以及调味香料制成美国传统〔celery〕The seedlike fruits of this plant used as a flavoring.芹菜籽:用作调料的这种植物的籽状果实美国传统〔chamomile〕The dried flower heads of either one of these plants, used to make an herbal tea and yielding an oil used in commercial flavorings and perfumery.黄春菊花序:上述植物的任一种头状花序,用于做花茶且可产生一种商业上用来做调味品或香水的油美国传统〔cheesecake〕A cake made of sweetened cottage cheese or cream cheese, eggs, milk, sugar, and flavorings.干酪饼:用甜的农家鲜干酪或奶油干酪以及鸡蛋、牛奶、糖和面粉做成的饼美国传统〔chocolate〕Fermented, roasted, shelled, and ground cacao seeds, often combined with a sweetener or flavoring agent.巧克力:经发酵、烘焙、去壳、碾碎并且常加入甜味剂或调味剂的可可豆美国传统〔citronella〕A pale yellow to brownish aromatic oil obtained from this plant, used chiefly in perfumery and also in some insect repellents and commercial flavorings.亚香茅油:从这种植物获得的淡黄色到棕色的芳香油,主要用于香水和一些驱虫剂及商用调味品美国传统〔clove oil〕An aromatic oil obtained from the buds, stems, or leaves of the clove tree, used in flavoring and perfumery, and as a temporary anesthetic for toothaches.丁香油:一种从丁香树的花苞、树干或叶子中提取的芳香油,用于调味品和香水及牙痛时作为暂时的麻醉剂美国传统〔coloring〕Our product contains no artificial coloring or flavoring.我们的产品不含人工色素和调味剂。韦氏高阶〔coriander〕The seedlike fruit of this plant, used whole or ground as a flavoring for food and as a seasoning, as in curry powder.芫荽果实:这种植物的种子状果实,整个的或碾碎用作食物的调味品和佐料,例如咖喱粉中含有它美国传统〔cubeb〕The dried, unripe, berrylike fruit of this plant, used in perfumery, pharmaceuticals, and commercial flavorings.荜澄茄果实:该植物的干燥的、未成熟的、浆果状的果实,用于制造香水、药物以及调味品美国传统〔custard〕A dish consisting of milk, eggs, flavoring, and sometimes sugar, boiled or baked until set.乳蛋糕:一种食品,用牛奶、鸡蛋、调味品,有时再加糖混合而成,经蒸煮或烘烤直至凝固而成美国传统〔essential oil〕A volatile oil, usually having the characteristic odor or flavor of the plant from which it is obtained, used to make perfumes and flavorings.香油精:一种易挥发的油,提取的植物具有特别的香气和香味,通常被用作香料或调味品或调味香料美国传统〔flavoring〕We used ginger and other natural flavorings.我们使用了姜和其他天然调味品。韦氏高阶〔fudge〕A soft, rich candy made of sugar, milk, butter, and flavoring.软糖:一种柔软、甜腻的糖。由糖、牛奶、奶油和香料制成美国传统〔grenadine〕A thick, sweet syrup made from pomegranates and used as a flavoring, especially in beverages.石榴汁糖浆:一种由石榴制成的浓稠的糖浆,用作调料,尤其是加在饮料中美国传统〔hard sauce〕A creamy sauce of butter and sugar with rum, brandy, or vanilla flavoring, served chilled with puddings, gingerbread, or fruitcakes.甜奶油汁:一种由黄油和糖加朗姆酒、白兰地或香草香精调配而成的冷冻后为布丁、姜饼及水果蛋糕调味的奶油调味汁美国传统〔heat〕A burning sensation in the mouth produced by spicy flavoring in food.辛辣:由食物调味料产生的口中的伤灼感美国传统〔juniper oil〕An essential oil obtained from the seed-bearing cones of the common juniper, most commonly used for flavoring gin and liqueurs.杜松子油,刺柏(子)油:一种香油,从普通桧属植物的含种子的球果中得来,最常用于给杜松子酒和利口酒调味美国传统〔licorice〕The root of this plant, used as a flavoring in candy, liqueurs, tobacco, and medicines.甘草根:这种植物的根,在糖果、烈性酒、烟草或药品中用作芳香剂美国传统〔lime〕The egg-shaped fruit of this plant, having a green rind and acid juice used as flavoring.莱檬果:莱檬树蛋形果实,绿色外皮、汁酸,可用作调料美国传统〔maple syrup〕Syrup made from various sugars and flavored with maple syrup or artificial maple flavoring.由各种糖制成,掺有槭糖浆或人造槭糖调味品的糖浆美国传统〔marrowbone〕A bone for flavoring soup.髓骨:放于汤中调味的髓骨美国传统〔mocha〕A flavoring made of coffee often mixed with chocolate.摩卡巧克力咖啡:一种由咖啡通常混以巧克力的调味品美国传统〔neral〕A structural isomer of citral that is obtained from the oxidation of nerol and is used to make perfumes and flavorings.橙花醛:柠檬醛的同分异构体,橙花醇氧化可得,用于制造香水和香料美国传统〔orgeat〕A sweet flavoring of orange and almond used in cocktails and food.杏仁橘花香茶:一种用于鸡尾酒和食物中的、含有桔子与杏仁的甜作料美国传统〔parfait〕A dessert made of cream, eggs, sugar, and flavoring frozen together and served in a tall glass.冰淇淋水果冻,冻奶糊:一种用奶油、鸡蛋、糖和果冻混合制作且用高玻璃杯盛装的甜点美国传统〔peppermint〕The oil from this plant or a preparation made from it, used as a flavoring.椒薄荷油:由此种植物制成的油,用做调味品美国传统〔pickle〕A solution of brine or vinegar, often spiced, for preserving and flavoring food.腌汁:用于保存或给食物调味的盐或醋溶液,常加有香料美国传统〔salt pork〕Fatty pork that is cured with salt, often used as a flavoring.腌猪肉:用盐腌制的肥猪肉,常用作调料美国传统〔sassafras〕The dried root bark of this plant, used as a flavoring and a source of a volatile oil.这种植物的干根皮,用来提取香料和挥发油美国传统〔season〕To improve or enhance the flavor of (food) by adding salt, spices, herbs, or other flavorings.给…加调味料:通过加盐、香料、香草或其他佐料来改进或增强(食品的)味道美国传统〔soda〕A refreshment made from carbonated water, ice cream, and usually a flavoring.苏打点心:一种用碳酸水、冰淇淋和调料制成的新鲜糕点美国传统〔sponge cake〕A very light, porous cake made of flour, sugar, beaten eggs, and flavoring and containing no shortening.海绵蛋糕,松软蛋糕:一种轻的,用面粉、糖、蛋液,调味香料制成的多孔蛋糟糕美国传统〔syrup〕A thick, sweet, sticky liquid, consisting of a sugar base, natural or artificial flavorings, and water.糖浆:稠的、甜的粘质液体,以糖为主剂,天然或人造调味品和水组成美国传统〔tall drink〕A drink served in a tall glass and consisting typically of a liquor base with any of various mixes and flavorings.一种盛在高脚杯中的饮料,一般在一种酒中再加入各种混合物和任一种调料美国传统〔tutti-frutti〕A flavoring simulating the flavor of many fruits.什锦果味:含有多种水果味的味道美国传统〔twist〕A sliver of citrus peel twisted over or dropped into a beverage for flavoring.橘子皮:放入或加入饮料中调味的一小块橘子皮美国传统〔vanilla〕A flavoring extract prepared from the cured seedpods of this plant or produced synthetically.香子兰精,香草精:从这种植物的晾干的心皮中制出的或人工生产的调味精美国传统〔wintergreen〕An oil or a flavoring obtained from this plant.冬青油:从这种植物中提取的油或调味香料美国传统〔zest〕The outermost part of the rind of an orange or a lemon, used as flavoring.橙皮:用作调味香料的柳橙皮或柠檬皮的最外层部分美国传统Add a spoonful of banana flavoring. 加一匙香蕉调料。译典通

