
单词 fidelity
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔believe〕He believed in marital fidelity.他认为婚内应该忠诚。柯林斯高阶〔betoken〕They betokened their fidelity to the leader with a vow.他们以宣誓来表示他们对领袖的忠诚。21世纪英汉〔blood brother〕One of two individuals who vow mutual fidelity and trust by a ceremony involving the mingling of each other's blood.歃血为盟的兄弟:通过喝了彼此鲜血的混合血的仪式而发誓相互忠实和信任的人美国传统〔discretion〕He appreciated his discretion and his fidelity.他欣赏他的谨慎和忠诚。柯林斯高阶〔discretion〕Lord Wincanton appreciated his secretary's discretion and his fidelity.温坎顿阁下欣赏秘书的谨慎和忠诚。外研社新世纪〔distortion〕A consequence of such a change, especially a lack of fidelity in reception or reproduction.失真:这一变化的后果,尤指在接受或再产生缺乏逼真度美国传统〔faithful〕These adjectives mean adhering firmly and devotedly to someone or something, such as a person, cause, or duty, that elicits or demands one's fidelity.如下形容词都有对人、事,比如人、事业或责任等坚定和忠诚的意思。美国传统〔fealty〕The fidelity owed by a vassal to his feudal lord.效忠:诸侯对封建领主的忠诚美国传统〔fealty〕The oath of such fidelity.对此类效忠的宣誓美国传统〔fidelity〕Alice never questioned her husband's fidelity.爱丽丝从不怀疑丈夫的贞节。文馨英汉〔fidelity〕He had to monitor the printing and colouring for fidelity.他得监察印刷和着色,以求精确无误。英汉大词典〔fidelity〕He translated the document with complete fidelity.他完全忠实地翻译那份文件。文馨英汉〔fidelity〕How important do you think sexual fidelity is in a marriage? 你认为婚姻中肉体上的忠诚有多重要?剑桥高阶〔fidelity〕I had to promise fidelity to the Queen.我必须承诺效忠女王。外研社新世纪〔fidelity〕I had to promise fidelity to the Queen.我必须承诺效忠女王。柯林斯高阶〔fidelity〕Somerset Maugham's comedy of marital fidelity, "The Constant Wife" 萨默塞特‧毛姆关于婚姻忠诚的喜剧《忠实的妻子》剑桥高阶〔fidelity〕The best ink-jet printers can reproduce photographs with amazing fidelity.最好的喷墨打印机输出的照片效果会非常逼真。剑桥高阶〔fidelity〕The story is told with great fidelity to the original.这个故事讲得非常忠实于原著。牛津搭配〔fidelity〕There's nothing like a dog's fidelity.狗的忠实无与伦比。文馨英汉〔fidelity〕They still maintain fidelity to their religious tradition.他们依然保持着对宗教传统的忠诚。牛津搭配〔fidelity〕They were warmly praised for their fidelity and industry.他们的尽职和勤奋受到人们的热烈赞扬。英汉大词典〔fidelity〕Wanting fidelity implies you're thinking about a major relationship.要求忠诚意味着你想严肃认真地谈一次恋爱。外研社新世纪〔fidelity〕Wanting fidelity implies you're thinking about a major relationship.要求忠诚意味着你想发展一段严肃认真的恋爱关系。柯林斯高阶〔hi-fi〕High fidelity.高保真美国传统〔less〕It doesn't mean that the fidelity of the people toward their government will be any the less.这并不意味着人民对于政府的效忠将有所减退。英汉大词典〔photographic〕Resembling a photograph, especially representing or simulating something with great accuracy and fidelity of detail.像照片的:和照片相像的,尤指细节准确、高度精确的与某物相似美国传统〔translate〕He could translate everything, even her most obscure expressions, with complete fidelity.他能十分精确地猜出一切,甚至她种种极为隐晦的表情的含意。英汉大词典〔treachery〕Willful betrayal of fidelity, confidence, or trust; perfidy.背叛:对忠诚、信任或信赖的有意背叛;背信弃义美国传统〔troth〕Good faith; fidelity.坚定信念;忠诚美国传统〔troth〕One's pledged fidelity.效忠美国传统〔truth〕Fidelity to an original or a standard.忠实,忠诚:对原型或标准的忠实美国传统Among the issues that the programme will deal with are fidelity, homosexuality and fetishism.议程将涉及贞洁、同性恋和恋物癖等问题。剑桥国际In our day and age, high fidelity TV is quite common. 时至今日,高传真度电视已经非常普及。译典通The play was Somerset Maugham's 1920s comedy of marital fidelity, ‘The Constant Wife’.这是一部萨默塞特·毛姆于20世纪20年代写的关于婚姻忠诚的喜剧,名为《忠诚的妻子》。剑桥国际The technology used in compact discs offers the ultimate in high fidelity.激光唱盘技术应用提供最大的高保真音响效果。剑桥国际They had shown great fidelity to Brighton, spending their holidays there for twenty years.他们表现出对布赖顿的极大忠诚,20年来都在那里度假。剑桥国际

