“cutting tool”例句

单词 cutting tool
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DECIDE〕From archaeological evidence we can reasonably infer that these people used stone cutting tools. 根据考古证据,我们有理由推断这些人是使用石器的。朗文写作活用〔arbor〕A bar for supporting cutting tools.支持切割工具的条棒美国传统〔ax〕Any of various bladed, hand-held implements used as a cutting tool or weapon.砍伐工具:任何一种有刀口的,可以手握的器具,用于砍伐的工具或武器美国传统〔bezel〕A slanting surface or bevel on the edge of a cutting tool, such as a chisel.刃角:如凿子等刃具边缘上的斜面或斜角美国传统〔burin〕A steel cutting tool with a sharp beveled point, used in engraving or carving stone.雕刻刀:一种有尖利的斜角的钢质切割工具,用于雕刻石头美国传统〔bur〕Any of various rotary cutting tools designed to be attached to a drill.为与锯子相连而设计的旋转切割工具美国传统〔chatter mark〕A riblike marking on wood or metal, caused by vibration of a cutting tool.颤痕:因切削工具的颤动而在木头或金属上留下的罗纹状痕迹美国传统〔graver〕An engraver's cutting tool.雕刻工具:一个雕刻家切割的工具美国传统〔hone〕A fine-grained whetstone for giving a keen edge to a cutting tool.细磨刀石:纹理细密的磨刀,可使切削工具刀刃锋利美国传统〔kerf〕A groove or notch made by a cutting tool, such as a saw or an ax.锯缝,劈痕:切割型工具如锯或斧子所制造的沟槽或凹口美国传统〔kerf〕The width of a groove made by a cutting tool.锯面,切面:切割性工具所切出的沟槽的宽度美国传统〔shear〕To use a cutting tool such as shears.剪切:使用切割工具,例如剪子美国传统〔skiver〕One, such as a cutting tool, that skives.削皮刀:削皮的工具,如一种切割工具美国传统〔spade〕Any of various similar digging or cutting tools.锹:任一种类似挖掘或砍伐的工具美国传统〔swarf〕Fine metallic filings or shavings removed by a cutting tool.铁屑:用切削工具弄下的细金属锉屑或金属小片美国传统〔turn〕To give a rounded form to (wood, for example) by rotating against a cutting tool.车削:在切割工具上旋转而使(如木头)成为圆形美国传统〔turret〕An attachment for a lathe consisting of a rotating cylindrical block holding various cutting tools.转动架,转塔:车床上的附属物,由一个可安装各种刀具的可旋转的圆筒组成美国传统Diamonds make very strong cutting tools because of their stable structure and strong bonds.钻石能做成非常坚固的切割工具,因为它有稳定的结构和很强的分子键。剑桥国际The cutting tool works by moving the metal under a fixed laser.这个用于切割的器具是通过在激光下移动金属块来进行切割工作的。剑桥国际

