
单词 pins
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACH〕One of the straps was pinned in place with two safety pins. 其中一根带子用两个安全别针别好。朗文写作活用〔PUSH〕They stuck pins into a map to show where the enemy's camps were. 他们把图钉按在一张地图上表示敌人营地的位置。朗文写作活用〔adrift〕Her hair was forever coming adrift from the pins she used to keep it in place.她的头发总是从固定头发的发夹中散开来。朗文当代〔barrel organ〕A mechanical instrument on which a tune is played by the action of a revolving cylinder fitted with pegs or pins that open pipe valves supplied by a bellows.手摇风琴:一种内部装有一个带弦纽或钉子的旋转圆筒的机械制动乐器。有风箱使风进入空心琴管内而产生音调美国传统〔cross-legged〕He held a cross-legged pose and fidgeted while she undid the pins.她取别针时, 他交叉着双腿, 动来晃去。外研社新世纪〔doll〕She'll be sticking pins in a voodoo doll of her ex-boyfriend.她要在一个象征她前男友的巫毒娃娃身上插满针。牛津搭配〔dot matrix〕A dense grid of dots or pins used to form alphanumeric characters or designs, as by some computer printers and visual display units.点阵:用于构成混合字符或图形的密集点网格或密集针网格,如用于计算机打印机及图象显示器美国传统〔fasten〕Fasten the edges of the cloth together with pins.用大头针把布料的边角固定住。朗文当代〔fasten〕She twisted her hair into a bun and fastened it with bobby pins.她把头发扭成一个发髻,然后用小发夹卡住。韦氏高阶〔fife rail〕A rail around the lower part of a ship's mast to which the belaying pins for the rigging are secured.艉楼栅栏,帆索栓座:船桅杆底部周围的栏杆,保护索具的缠索栓美国传统〔figure of eight〕Wind the thread in a figure of eight round the pins at the side.将线绕成8字形缠在边上的针上。外研社新世纪〔length〕These pins are available in one- and two-inch lengths.现有的大头钉有一英寸长的,有两英寸长的。韦氏高阶〔mark〕Troop positions were marked with colored pins.军队阵地用彩色别针标出。朗文当代〔nail down〕Lay strips of 4mm ply over the mesh and nail these down with panel pins.把4毫米厚的胶合板条铺在网子上,然后用镶板钉钉牢。柯林斯高阶〔on pins and needles〕Don’t keep Margaret on pins and needles – give her a call.别让玛格丽特担心了,给她打个电话。剑桥高阶〔on pins and needles〕Everyone was on pins and needles waiting to hear the jury's verdict.大家坐立不安地等待着陪审团的裁决。韦氏高阶〔peg〕Music One of the pins of a stringed instrument that are turned to tighten or slacken the strings so as to regulate their pitch.【音乐】 琴栓,弦钮:用来拧紧或拧松弦以定音的弦乐器的一个乐栓美国传统〔pincushion〕A small, firm cushion into which pins are stuck when not in use.(供缝纫针用的)针垫:一种小而硬的垫子,不用针时可插在上面美国传统〔pins and needles〕I had pins and needles in the tips of my fingers.我的指尖有针刺的感觉。柯林斯高阶〔pins and needles〕I'll have to move because I'm starting to get pins and needles in my foot.我得动一下,因为我的脚开始发麻了。朗文当代〔pins and needles〕I've got pins and needles in the tips of my fingers.我的指尖发麻。外研社新世纪〔pins and needles〕She was on pins and needles, awaiting word from immigration officials.她如坐针毡, 焦急等待着移民官员的消息。外研社新世纪〔pinsetter〕An employee or a mechanical apparatus that sets up pins in a bowling alley.拾瓶童,自动拾瓶装置:在保龄球球道上设的机器装置或工作人员美国传统〔pinwheel〕A wheel with a circle of pins at right angles to its face, used as a tripping device.针轮,销轮:一种轮子,其表面插着一圈针,用来做陷阱设备美国传统〔pin〕For two pins I'd resign.我真想辞职算了。英汉大词典〔pin〕For two pins I'd tell him what he can do with his job! 我真恨不得告诉他他的本职工作该做些什么!麦克米伦高阶〔pin〕For two pins, I'd just send them all home.我恨不得把他们都送回家。朗文当代〔pin〕Grandpa's very old now and he's very shaky on his pins.爷爷现在年纪很大了,走路有点不稳。剑桥高阶〔pin〕Having a grain suggestive of the heads of pins. Used of leather.具有针头似小点的:用于皮革,指有针头似小点的美国传统〔pin〕He handed out pins with the peace sign on them.他分发了带有和平标志的徽章。韦氏高阶〔pin〕He laughed at me. For two pins I could have hit him in the face.他笑话我。我恨不得打他的耳光。英汉大词典〔pin〕He was on pins and needles while he was answering my questions.他回答我问题时显得坐立不安。英汉大词典〔pin〕I'd kill him for two pins.我恨不得杀了他。牛津高阶〔pin〕I'll keep the trouser patch in place with pins while I sew it on.在把裤子的补丁缝上去时,我会用别针把它固定好。剑桥高阶〔pin〕I've pins and needles in my right leg.我右腿发麻。英汉大词典〔pin〕She has been collecting pins for years.她收集徽章已经好多年了。外研社新世纪〔pin〕She's still a bit shaky on her pins.她的腿还有点颤抖。麦克米伦高阶〔pin〕Steel pins held the handles in position.钢钉将把手固定住了。麦克米伦高阶〔pin〕The American peace activists wore pins shaped like doves.那位美国和平活动家身上别着鸽子形状的徽章。外研社新世纪〔pin〕The map had a lot of little pins stuck into it.地图上钉了许多大头针。牛津搭配〔pin〕They were knocked right off their pins by the heavy winds.强风把他们撂倒。韦氏高阶〔pin〕To fasten or secure with or as if with a pin or pins.用别针别住:用别针或象是用别针固定住美国传统〔pin〕Use pins to keep the braid in place as you work.工作时,用别针把辫子固定住。柯林斯高阶〔pin〕Use pins to keep the material in place as you work.工作时用大头针把材料固定好。外研社新世纪〔pin〕When we left the bar he was a little unsteady on his pins.我们离开酒吧时, 他有些站不稳了。外研社新世纪〔pivot〕The table-top pivots on two metal pins.那个桌面以两个金属钉为枢轴旋转。朗文当代〔pushpin〕Games A game played by children with pins.【游戏】 针戏:小孩玩的弹图钉游戏美国传统〔reset〕The machine reset the bowling pins.机器把保龄球瓶摆放回原位。韦氏高阶〔skittle〕One of the pins used in skittles.在撞柱游戏中所用钉子之一美国传统〔spare〕The act of knocking down all ten pins with two successive rolls of a bowling ball.二击全倒:保龄球运动中连续两滚将十个柱子全部击倒美国传统〔split〕Sports An arrangement of bowling pins left standing after a bowl, in which two or more pins remain standing with one or more pins between them knocked down.【体育运动】 隔号余柱:地滚球一击过后剩下的不利局势,有一个或多个被击过的球在两球或多球之间美国传统〔stand〕Two bowling pins were left standing.还有两个保龄球瓶没有倒下。韦氏高阶〔stick〕He stuck up an announcement on the board with pins.他用大头针把告示钉在布告板上。剑桥高阶〔stick〕To fasten or attach with or as if with pins, nails, or similar devices.钉住:象用大头针、钉子或相似物体一样把…固定或相连美国传统〔strike〕Sports The knocking down of all the pins in bowling with the first bowl of a frame.【体育运动】 第一投全倒:在滚木球一局的第一投投击就所有的木柱全被打倒美国传统〔stud〕Any of various protruding pins or pegs in machinery, used mainly as a support or pivot.柱螺栓:机器上的各种突出钉子或螺栓,主要用作支撑物或转轴美国传统〔tenpin〕One of the bottle-shaped pins used in bowling.保龄球中的瓶形滚柱美国传统〔unpin〕To open or unfasten by or as if by removing pins.拔去:通过拿去别针或仿佛通过拿走别针来打开或松开美国传统〔unpin〕To remove pins or a pin from.从…上拔去别针美国传统〔what have you〕You can use the container to hold paper clips, pins, and/or what have you.你可以用这个盒子放曲别针、大头针等东西。韦氏高阶〔whatnot〕You can use the container to hold paper clips, pins, and/or whatnot.你可以用这个盒子放曲别针、大头针等诸如此类的东西。韦氏高阶〔wrest pin〕One of the pins to which the strings of a musical instrument, especially of a keyboard instrument, are attached and by turning which they are tuned.校音栓:附在乐器的弦上的一种调弦栓,尤指键盘乐器上的,并通过旋转调弦栓来调音美国传统〔wrest〕Music A small tuning key for the wrest pins of a stringed instrument.【音乐】 调音键:弦乐上用于弦轴的调音键美国传统Criminals are finding many ways to uncover clients' PINs.犯罪分子想方设法取得客户的个人识别号。牛津商务Grandpa's very old now and he's a bit shaky on his pins.爷爷现在很老了,他的腿有些抖。剑桥国际He stuck up a notice on the board with pins.他把通知用图钉钉在告示板上。剑桥国际I'll keep the patch in place with pins while I sew it on.我把补丁缝上去的时候先用别针固定着它。剑桥国际On hearing the news, she was on pins and needles. 一听到那消息,她就坐立不安。译典通The aim in bowling is to knock down all the pins with one or two bowls.保龄球的目标是一球或两球击倒所有的瓶型滚柱。剑桥国际They waited on pins and needles for the football scores. 他们如坐针毡般地等待足球比数。译典通

