“animal life”例句

单词 animal life
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FEW/NOT MANY〕Except for a lone seagull flying overhead, there are almost no signs of animal life. 除了头顶上飞着一只孤零零的海鸥,几乎见不到动物的迹象。朗文写作活用〔IMPRESS〕The rich variety of animal life we found was very impressive. 我们所发现的动物种类丰富,非常可观。朗文写作活用〔agricide〕The abuse of agricultural land through improper farming methods, which renders it unfit to support plant or animal life.滥用农地:通过不适当的耕种方式滥用农地,使之不适合动植物生长美国传统〔animal〕The island was devoid of all animal life (= there were no animals on the island).这个岛上没有任何动物生存。剑桥高阶〔animate〕Of or relating to animal life as distinct from plant life.动物性的:动物性的或与动物性相关的,区别于植物的美国传统〔biology〕The plant and animal life of a specific area or region.生物群落:生于某一特定地区或区域中的动物和植物美国传统〔paint〕The study paints a bleak/grim picture of the effects of pollution on animal life.这项研究描绘了污染对动物生活造成影响的悲惨画面。韦氏高阶〔paleozoology〕The branch of paleontology that deals with animal fossils and ancient animal life.古动物学:古生物学的分支,研究动物化石和古动物的 生活美国传统〔vanish〕Near the end of Devonian times, thirty percent of all animal life vanished.在泥盆纪末期,30%的动物物种都灭绝了。柯林斯高阶〔venter〕Zoology A part in lower forms of animal life corresponding to the abdomen of mammals.【动物学】 腹腔:动物生命低级形式的一部分,与哺乳动物的腹部相对应美国传统〔zoological〕Of or relating to animals or animal life.动物的:动物的或其生活的;或与动物或其生活有关的美国传统〔zoology〕The branch of biology that deals with animals and animal life, including the study of the structure, physiology, development, and classification of animals.动物学:生物学的分支,研究动物和动物生活,包括对其结构、生理机能、发展和分类的研究美国传统

