
单词 primegilt
释义 ˈprimegilt Sc. Obs.
In 6–7 pryme-, prym-.
[? from prime v.1 1 + gilt = gelt, geld, payment.]
= primage 1.
1518–19Burgh Rec. Edinb. (1869) I. 187 To be furit to the port of Deip in France for the fraucht of xxvjs. and xvjs. the most chairge frie of all vther chairges except pryme gilt.1576Ibid. (1882) IV. 54 The pryme-giltt, quhilk was gevin be the liberaltie of merchantis, hes bene in all tymes past vplifted and spent be the marinaris in vane and wicked vses.1621Sc. Acts Jas. VI (1816) IV. 668/2 Þe prymgilt To be vplifted for sustentatioun Of the pure and decayit Marineris wtin The said toun of leith.1633Sc. Acts Chas. I (1817) V. 93/2 Grantit..the indraucht thairof and prymegilt of all shipes coming to the said port.

