
单词 apotemnophilia
释义 apotemnophilia, n. Psychiatry.
Brit. |ˌapətɛmnəˈfɪlɪə|, |əˌpɒtɪmnəˈfɪlɪə|, U.S. |ˈˌæpəˌtɛmnəˈfɪljə|, |ˈˌæpəˌtɛmnəˈfɪliə|
[‹ apo- prefix + ancient Greek τέµνειν to cut (see -tomy comb. form) + -o- connective + -philia comb. form.]
A disorder characterized by the desire for amputation of a healthy part of the body, esp. a limb. Also: erotic fascination with and attraction to amputees.
1977J. Money et al. in Jrnl. Sex Res. 13 115 There is, in the nomenclature of the paraphilias, no nosological term for the syndrome of erotic obsession or fetishism for amputated limbs or digits. In accordance with the tradition whereby a philia is assigned its appropriate Greek prefix, the name for this syndrome is apotemnophilia, literally meaning ‘amputation love’.1983Amer. Jrnl. Psychotherapy 37 292 In many cases of apotemnophilia the therapist will probably assume that the patient has a delusion.1991M. Kitahara Trag. of Evol. v. 98 In a bizarre form [of self-mutilation] clinically called apotemnophilia..it is not uncommon for individuals..to cut off their own fingers or toes, or to damage a leg so severely as to necessitate its surgical removal.2000Times 1 Feb. 7/2 Both men suffered from apotemnophilia, a rare psychological condition related to body dysmorphic disorder. The victims..consider their bodies repulsive with four limbs and believe that they will be ‘normal’ only once a limb has been removed.

