
单词 restorative
释义 restorative, a. and n.|rɛˈstɒrətɪv, -ɔər-|
Also 5 restoratif, -atyf(f, -etyffe, -atyve.
[a. OF. *restoratif, variant of restauratif restaurative.]
A. adj. Pertaining to restoration (of strength or health); capable of restoring or renewing.
c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 354 It wole be a good oynement restoratif.c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 103 Yowre restoratyf celestial manna.1500–20Dunbar Poems xxv. 11 O! ȝe heremeitis and hankersaidilis, That..eitis nocht meit restoratiue.1584Cogan Haven Health x. (1636) 34 Rise-pottage..is verie pleasant and easie of digestion and restorative.1606Dekker Seven Sins (Arb.) 24 The very shadow of thee hath beene to them a restoratiue Consolation.1665Sir T. Herbert Trav. (1677) 69 The air for eight months is very pure and restorative.1807Life Fielding in Tom Jones I. p. xix, To try if there was any restorative quality in the more genial air of that climate.1868Browning Ring & Bk. i. 89 The thing's restorative, I' the touch and sight.1875McLaren Serm. Ser. ii. iv. 67 The depth of our need determines the strength of the restorative power put forth.
b. spec. in Dentistry.
1963C. R. Cowell et al. Inlays, Crowns, & Bridges i. 1 Gold is stronger than other restorative materials and can be used in thin sections without danger of fracture.1974News & Press (Darlington, S. Carolina) 25 Apr. 17/3 It was first thought that the council might buy a mobile unit and employ a full time dentist who could..do restorative dentistry.
B. n.
1. a. A food, cordial, or medicine, which has the effect of restoring health or strength.
c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 101 Repast ay lasting, restoratyf eternal.1446Lydg. Nightingale Poems ii. 247 He gaf his body..Restoratif best in the forme of brede.c1485Digby Myst. (1882) iii. 486 Here, lady, is wyn,..to..woman a good restoratyff.1547Boorde Brev. Health §86 All maner of cordyalles and restoratiues..doth comfort the hert.1590Spenser F.Q. iii. v. 50 Many Restoratives of vertues rare, And costly Cordialles she did apply.1632J. Hayward tr. Biondi's Eromena 105 The Princesse..calling for some cordials and restoratives, gave them her.1747–96H. Glasse Cookery xv. 271 Knuckle broth..is a certain restorative at the beginning of a decline.1806A. Hunter Culina (ed. 3) 222 In cases where restoratives are required, a basin of milk [etc.].1861F. Nightingale Nursing (ed. 2) 53 Coffee is a better restorative than tea, but a greater impairer of the digestion.
transf.1633G. Herbert Temple, To All Angels & Saints, Thou art the holy mine, whence came the gold, The great restorative for all decay In young and old.a1680Butler Rem. (1759) I. 91 And Sleep, Death's Brother,..Gave weary'd Nature a Restorative.1742Young Nt. Th. ix. 2184 Rest,..Man's rich restorative.
b. A means of restoring one to consciousness.
1852Mrs. Stowe Uncle Tom's C. xxviii. 268 St. Clare had fainted,..but as Miss Ophelia applied restoratives, he revived, opened his eyes.1869H. Ainsworth Hilary St. Ives ii. iv, Fortunately there were..restoratives at hand.
2. Restorative or nourishing power; restoration, nourishment. Obs.
1528Paynell Salerne's Regim. (1557) 31 b, These three foresayde thynges are comfortable and of greate restoratiue for mans bodye.Ibid. 40 If wyne be dronke for nouryshment, for restoratiue of the body.
3. Restitution, repayment. Obs.
c1485Digby Myst. (1882) iii. 651 [Two debtors,] þe whych wher pore, and myth make no restoratyf.
4. (See quot.)
1810Bentham Packing (1821) 218 The remedy here ventured to be proposed is stiled without scruple a restorative: a plan for the restoring..the original composition of Juries.
Hence reˈstoratively adv.; reˈstorativeness, ‘a restoring quality’ (Bailey, vol. II, 1727).
1835Blackw. Mag. XXXVIII. 162 How restoratively on our temples..were the blessed dews distilled!1851G. S. Faber Many Mansions iii. i, After the Resurrection, Man's Spirit..will be again restoratively clothed with a material body.

