
单词 recordation
释义 recordation|rɛkəˈdeɪʃən|
[a. OF. recordation (14–16th c.), or ad. L. recordātiōn-em (hence also Sp. recordacion, It. ricordazione), n. of action f. recordārī to record.]
1. The faculty of remembering or recollecting.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. v. iii. (Bodl. MS.), In the hyndermeste [cell of the brain is] recordacioun and mynde.1594T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. ii. 163 For this cause some Philosophers attribute vnto man beside memorie both recordation and remembrance.1666J. Smith Old Age (ed. 2) 46 Another receptacle for the intelligible species, which they call Reminiscency or Recordation.
2. Remembrance or recollection of something.
c1450tr. De Imitatione iii. xxiv. 94 Of þe recordacion of þe manyfolde benefetes of god.1475Bk. Noblesse (Roxb.) 3 The recordacion of actis and dedis in armes of so many famous..Kingis.a1540Barnes Wks. (1573) 351/2 They doe..pray vnto them in remembraunce and recordation of the first fruits.1579Fenton Guicciard. (1618) 147 Ioyning to that new offence a recordation of old iniuries done against him.1609[Bp. W. Barlow] Answ. Nameless Cath. 159 It strooke a..recordation of their former disloyaltie into our first parents.1657W. Morice Coena quasi κοινὴ Diat. v. 244 The recordation thereof, and external acknowledgment of Christ to be the Redeemer [etc.].1881Meredith Tragic Comedians I. iii. 40 She was prepared to express her recordation of the circumstance in her diary.
attrib.1748Richardson Clarissa (1811) III. x. 71 Let me call myself back to my recordation-subject. Thou needest not remind me of my Rosebud.
3. An act of commemorating or making mention; a commemorative account. Obs.
1598Yong Diana Pref., Discurring most of those townes and places in it with a pleasant recordation of my pen.1609[Bp. W. Barlow] Answ. Nameless Cath. 69 A short, but pithy and worthy recordation of Her Clement gouernment.1670Walton Life Donne 63 Methinks they be persons that seem to challenge a recordation in this place.
4. The action or process of recording or committing to writing.
1802–12Bentham Ration. Judic. Evid. (1827) I. 279 Notation: or say recordation, registration, scription, note taking.1831Examiner 723/2 An accurate recordation or representation of the transactions of an individual.1877Burroughs Taxation 326 It is difficult to perceive upon what principle recordation is necessary.1924G. W. Thompson Commentaries on Mod. Law of Real Property VIII. liv. 274 The majority rule holds to the tenet that the recordation of an instrument void on its face is not of itself constructive notice.1938U.S. Statutes at Large LII. 1006 Recordation of Aircraft Ownership.Ibid., Every such conveyance so recorded..shall be valid as to all persons without further recordation.1948Columbia Law Rev. Dec. 1248 Recordation of title to chattels is normally governed by local laws.1962Iowa Law Rev. Winter 227 Was his recordation at that time at such place in the records that it should be concluded [etc.]?
attrib.1802–12Bentham Ration. Judic. Evid. (1827) II. 94 Every cause is recordation-worthy, unless in so far as some special reason can be shewn to the contrary.1976Washington Post 19 Apr. c 10/4 All costs incident to settlement and conveyancing, including..recordation costs and taxes..will be at the cost of the purchaser.

