
单词 porr
释义 I. porr, purr, n. Now dial.|pɔː(r), pɜː(r)|
Also 4–5, 9 por, 6 porh(e, 9 pore, pur.
[f. porr v.]
1. A fire poker.
1357–8Durham Acc. Rolls (Surtees) 124, j porr pro camino, ix d.1387–8Ibid. 266 In emendacione unius por de ferro.1407–9in Eng. Hist. Rev. (1897) XII. 518 In iii porres alias naundirens.1564Wills & Inv. N.C. (Surtees) I. 223 One Iron chimney, one porr, one payre of toynges.1629in Naworth Househ. Bks. (Surtees) 265 For mendinge the kitchinge fire porre.a1700B. E. Dict. Cant. Crew, Poker, a pointed Porr to raise the Fire.1825Brockett N.C. Gloss., Por, Pore, a poker for stirring the fire.1855Robinson Whitby Gloss., Porr, the fire-poker.
2. A thrust, a poke; a kick.
1589J. Melvill Diary (Wodrow Soc.) 273 Missing his ward, he gettes a porh at the left pape, wharof he dies.Ibid. 275 A porhe of a rapper.1844Jamie Muse of Mearns 155 (E.D.D.) A simple pur wi' a bodie's fit Maks 't rin a most prodigious bit.1888Sheffield Gloss. s.v., He gave him a pur in the side with his thumb.
3. fig. A state of agitation or trouble.
1842H. J. Daniel Bride of Scio 175 In sich a pore.1865J. T. Tregellas Cornish Tales (1868) 84 Nothing but pors will be this night.
II. porr, purr, v. Now only dial.|pɔː(r), pɜː(r)|
Forms: 4–6 porre, 6 poore, 6– por(r, pore, 9 pur(r.
[ME. porre = MDu. porren (purren), Du. porren, MLG., LG. (whence Ger.) purren (LG. also puren), MHG. phurren, Ger. dial. pfurren, Dan. (from LG.) purre, to poke, prod, thrust, stir up, instigate. Cf. Gael., Ir. purr to thrust, drive, jerk; app. from English.
This verb has the appearance of being of onomatopœic origin, pŭrr being a natural expression of thrusting. But its common use in ME., MDu., and MLG., indicates a common origin in WGer., and it is remarkable that no trace of it is found in any of the langs. before the 14th c.]
1. trans. To thrust, prod, poke, push (anything), as with a spear or stick. In mod. dial. esp. used of poking the fire: cf. porr n. 1.
a1400–50Alexander 5560 Þai sett in a sadd sowme & sailid his kniȝ its, Porris doun of his princes & persys þar schildis.1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 432/2 He..gyrneth as a dogge dooeth, when one porreth hym in the teeth with a stycke.1570Levins Mainp. 155/38 To Podde or porre, pungere.1903Eng. Dial. Dict., Purr, to stir, poke, esp...the fire [or] the embers of a brick oven. (Cited from Lancashire, Lincoln, East Anglia.)
b. To thrust, push, poke (anything) in, etc.; refl. to intrude.
1573–80Baret Alv. P 579 To porre in.1870Axon Black Knt. 43 (Lancs.) If he were to pur his ugly face through th' dur hoyle.1879G. F. Jackson Shropshire Work-bk. s.v., 'Er hanna invited me, so I shanna pore myself.
2. intr. To make a poke or thrust.
1560Becon New Catech. Wks. i. 519 Let them not bite their lippes, nor scratte their heade, nor rubbe theyr elbowes, nor pore in theyr eares.c1566Merie Tales of Skelton in S.'s Wks. (1843) I. p. lx, Then with her distaff she would poore in at hym.
3. trans. To stuff, stop, cram, fill (a receptacle or space) with anything.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvii. clx[i]. (Bodl. MS.), Hurden..is clensinge of offal of hempe oþer of flaxe and men in olde tyme cleped it stipa as it were stoppinge oþer porringe for þerwiþ chynes and cliftes of schippes beene porred and stoppid.1538Elyot Dict., Confercio, to stuffe, or porre.1777Horæ Subsecivæ 335 (E.D.D.) You quite pore me.
4. To thrust or push with the foot; to kick, ‘esp. to kick with thick boots or clogs’ (E.D. Dict. cited from Lancash., Chesh., Derby).
1812,1827[implied in purring, purrer below].c1860Staton Rays fro' th' Loomenary (Bolton) 37 Hoo up wi har foot an purred th' book reet into th' lone.1867Wigan Observer 23 Feb., But Shaw would not give over, and ‘purred’ me behind the ear as I was picking my money up.1886B. Brierley Cast upon World xxiii. 279 Folk thinkin' if they con purr a clod i' pieces..they're fit for a farmin' job.
Hence ˈporring, ˈpurring vbl. n. (also attrib.); ˈporrer, ˈpurrer, a heavy boot or clog to kick with.
15..in Retrospective Rev. Feb. (1853) 208 Lyke as the fissher wolle take on hym to selle An ele in Themmys by porrynge with his spere.1519W. Horman Vulg. 182 Yf the cattell..be nat kepte fro the leese: they wyll be in parel of brastynge, for porrynge.1717Closeburn Inv. (Nithsdale) (Jam.), A chimney tongues, and shovel, a porring iron, and hearth besome.1812Sporting Mag. XL. 249 Carter..sent forth from the purring part of Lancashire.1827Blackw. Mag. Oct. 453/1 One smashed his os frontis with the nailed heel of a two-pound wooden clog, a Preston Purrer.1855Mrs. Gaskell North & S. xxv, He and I will have an up and down fight, purring an' a'.1899Birmingham Weekly Post 21 Jan. 12/4 You put your purring clogs on, and you insisted on having a purring match with Grey.

