
单词 pneumonic
释义 pneumonic, a. (n.)|njuːˈmɒnɪk|
[ad. medical L. pneumonicus, a. Gr. πνευµονικός of the lungs, affected with lung-disease. So. F. pneumonique.]
A. adj.
1. Pertaining to the lungs; pulmonary. rare. ? Obs.
1675Phil. Trans. X. 506 This Pneumonique Engin, lodged in the breast [the Lungs].Ibid., When the Blood does not duly circulate through the Heart and the Pneumonique Vessels; which may sometimes be caus'd within the right ventricle of the heart, or the Pneumonique Arteries.1710T. Fuller Pharm. Extemp. 216 It [the Hydromel]..stuffing up the pneumonic Passages, causeth an Orthopnæa.
2. Pertaining to, of the nature of, characterized by, or affected with pneumonia.
1783S. Chapman in Med. Commun. I. 297 The expectoration..produced by pneumonic inflammations.1898Allbutt's Syst. Med. V. 122 A pneumonic patient.1898Daily News 24 Oct. 3/3 The disease which has broken out in Vienna is not bubonic but pneumonic plague.
B. n.
a. A person affected with lung-disease. Obs.
b. A remedy for lung-disease. rare—0.
1681tr. Willis's Rem. Med. Wks. Vocab., Pneumonic, one sick of the disease of the lungs.1727–41Chambers Cycl., Pneumonics, medicines proper in diseases of the lungs, where respiration is affected.1818in Todd.1895Syd. Soc. Lex., Pneumonic... 3. A remedy suitable for diseases of the lungs.

