
单词 miscarry
释义 miscarry, v.|mɪsˈkærɪ|
[mis-1 1. Cf. OF. meskarier to go from the right path.]
1. intr. To come to harm, misfortune, or destruction; to perish; (of a person) to meet with one's death; (of an inanimate object, e.g. a ship) to be lost or destroyed. Obs.
a1340Hampole Psalter xxxvi. 23 Bot weriand til him sal myskary [Vulg. maledicentes autem ei disperibunt].c1386Chaucer Prol. 515 He..dwelte at hoom, and kepte wel his folde, So that the wolf ne made it nat miscarie.1444Rolls of Parlt. V. 114/1 So that there myght neither Clusters of Grapes, ne hole Grapes..entre..into the Vessels..yat myght cause yat Wyne after that to reboille or myscare.1447O. Bokenham Seyntys (Roxb.) 142 And that noon hous where were hyr passyonarye Wyth feer ner lyhtnyng shuld never myskarye.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 12 b, Not one of them all miscaryed, but were all safe and sounde.c1550R. Bieston Bayte Fortune B iv, But yet he must regarde, for drede his welth miscary.1586J. Hooker Hist. Irel. in Holinshed II. 92/1 In this conflict, Patrike Fitzsimons, with diuerse other good housholders, miscaried.1601R. Johnson Kingd. & Commw. (1603) 63 The great ships bringing corne from Siria and Egipt..doe seldome miscarrie.a1604Hanmer Chron. Irel. (1809) 371 [He] shortly after miscarried at Athlone, by the fall of a Turret.1668Sir W. Temple Let. to King Wks. 1731 II. 58 If we had miscarried, your Majesty had lost an honest diligent Captain and sixteen poor Seamen.1737[S. Berington] G. di Lucca's Mem. (1738) 126 He left the Government..of all to his eldest Son in case he should miscarry.1749R. James Diss. Fevers (ed. 2) 3 Many Patients miscarry even under this Treatment, perhaps more than recover.
b. pass. in the same sense. Obs.
1387–8T. Usk Test. Love ii. iv. (Skeat) I. 106, I had routhe to sene thee miscaried.1470–85Malory Arthur xii. iv. 599, I am sore ashamed that I haue ben thus myscaryed, for I am bannysshed oute of the Countrey of Logrys for euer.1565Act 8 Eliz. c. 13 §1 Divers Shyppes..have by the lacke of suche Markes of late yeres ben myscaried peryshed and lost in the Sea.1605Shakes. Lear v. i. 5 Our Sisters man is certainely miscarried.1654–66Earl of Orrery Parthen. (1676) 581 Learning that his first Ambassadors..were miscarried, he employed others.
2. intr. and refl. To go wrong or astray; to behave amiss, do wrong; to misbehave. Obs.
c1325Metr. Hom. 112 Lat thou noht this child miscarye.138.Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 38 Þouȝ þat it myskarie whanne it comeþ to age, þe childheed þei moun save.155.Lyndesay Interl. Auld Man & Wife 57 Maister, quhairto sowld I my self miskary, Quhair I, as preistis, may swyve and nevir mary?1632Lithgow Trav. viii. 348 [They] may not marry, and yet may mis-carry themselues in all abhominations.1649Roberts Clavis Bibl. 368 Solomon more miscarrying in that [sc. prosperity] then Job in this [sc. adversity].1732Berkeley Alciphr. ii. §20 Wks. 1871 II. 92 Crates..having had a son miscarry at London, by the conversation of a minute philosopher.
3. intr. Of a person: To fail in one's purpose or object; to be unsuccessful.
1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus ii. 12 Many men are crossed and miscarrie in their outward estate, because they are vngodly persons.1642Fuller Holy & Prof. St. iv. iii. 252 Here Wolsey miscarried in the Masterpiece of his policy.1711Addison Spect. No. 35 ⁋1 Among all kinds of Writing, there is none in which Authors are more apt to miscarry than in Works of Humour.1815W. H. Ireland Scribbleomania 261 Good luck; without which..it is odds but he miscarries in his suit.1841–4Emerson Ess., Self-Reliance Wks. (Bohn) I. 32 If our young men miscarry in their first enterprises, they lose all heart.1875Maine Hist. Inst. ix. 256 If you sue for a bull, you will miscarry if you describe him as a bull.
b. const. of.
1781Cowper Conv. 372 We dare not risk them [sc. our talents] into public view, Lest they miscarry of what seems their due.1832A. W. Fonblanque Eng. under 7 Administr. (1837) II. 259 He has..pitiably miscarried of his object.
4. Of a business, design, etc.: To go wrong; to come to nought; to be a failure; to prove unsuccessful or abortive. Also pass.
1607Shakes. Cor. i. i. 270 What miscarries Shall be the Generals fault.1639Fuller Holy War ii. xlv. (1840) 112 When a great action miscarrieth, the blame must be laid on some.1654Marq. Ormonde in Nicholas Papers (Camden) II. 142 It is ordinary when a busines is miscaryed to blame the ways taken to effect it.1726Swift Gulliver iv. vii, If they find their Project hath miscarried, they return Home.1827Hallam Const. Hist. iv. (1876) I. 212 A similar proposition in the session of 1601 seems to have miscarried in the Commons.1893J. Strong New Era 252 Motive miscarries if method is wrong.
b. Of plants, seeds, etc.: To be abortive or unproductive; to fail. Also transf. Obs.
1588Shakes. L.L.L. iv. i. 114 My Lady goes to kill hornes, but if thou marrie, Hang me by the necke, if hornes that yeare miscarrie.a1682Sir T. Browne Tracts (1683) 77 [A plant] not subject to miscarry in Flowers and Blossomes.1707Mortimer Husb. (1721) II. 124 The worst Enemies to this Plant are a sort of Flea that fastens upon its Shoots, and makes it miscarry.1740Tull Horse-Hoeing Husb. 254 In other Parts of the same Fields, where a much less Number of Seeds had miscarried, the Crop was less.
5. To be delivered prematurely of a child; to have a miscarriage. ( In first quot. pass.)
1527Andrew Brunswyke's Distyll. Waters C iij b, Women whiche be myscaryd of the mydwyfe in the byrthe of her chylde.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 113 b, She had dyverse tymes mis-caried of chylde.1662J. Graunt Bills Mort. v. 37 The Question is, Whether Teeming-women died, or fled, or miscarried?a1715Burnet Own Time (1766) I. 244 She had once miscarried of a child.1786J. Hunter Treat. Ven. Dis. (1810) vi. ii. i. 433 The mother..miscarried of her third child at the end of five months.1822–34Good's Study Med. (ed. 4) IV. 171 The case of a lady..who had miscarried of a fetus under three months old.
fig.1712Pope Let. to J. C. 5 Dec., Wks. (1737) 89 You have prov'd your self more tender of another's embryo's, than the fondest mothers are of their own, for you have preserv'd every thing that I miscarry'd of.1805Moore To Lady H— viii, And some lay-in of full-grown wit, While others of a pun miscarried.
b. Said of the child. Obs.
1597Shakes. 2 Hen. IV v. iv. 10 If the Child I now go with, do miscarrie.Ibid. 15 But I would the Fruite of her Wombe might miscarry.
6. intr. Of a letter, etc.: To fail to reach its proper destination; to get into wrong hands.
1613Shakes. Hen. VIII, iii. ii. 30 The Cardinals Letters to the Pope miscarried, And came to th'eye o' th' King.1710Swift Jrnl. to Stella 26 Sept., My penny-post letter, I suppose, miscarried: I will write another.a1839Praed Poems (1864) II. 10 Has the last pipe of hock miscarried?1842Borrow Bible in Spain xxxv, I supposed..that my letter had miscarried.1866Crump Banking v. 101 If a bill miscarry—unless payable to ‘bearer’—the unlawful possessor can neither acquire nor convey any title thereto.
b. pass. in the same sense. ?Obs.
1665J. Strype in Lett. Lit. Men (Camden) 183, I..think my Tuesday letter was miscarried, because no Answer to it.1786Jefferson Writ. (1859) II. 16 If my letter of advice is miscarried.
7. trans. To cause (a person) to go wrong; to lead astray; to mislead, delude, seduce. Obs.
c1450Cast. Persev. 2348 in Macro Plays (1904) 147 Whoso wyl schryuyn hym of his synnys all, he puttyth þis brethel to mykyl myschefe, Mankynde he þat myskaryed.1513Douglas æneis ii. xi. 107 Than wod for wo, so was I quyte miscareit, That noder god nor man I left wnwareit [Quem non incusavi amens hominumque deorumque?]1562A. Scott Poems (S.T.S.) i. 75 It maid na mis quhat madinnis þai miscareit.1580A. Fleming in Baret Alv. A aaa j, Manie words of like spelling, and..different in signification, may miscarrie young beginners.1596Spenser State Irel. Wks. (Globe) 623/1 The judges, whoe are men and may be mis⁓carryed by affections, and many other meanes.1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. vii. 476/1 Impotent passions carrying him, and miscarrying him.1633Bp. Hall Hard Texts O.T. 121 He was not miscarried into any..enormous crime.1650Trapp Comm. Num. xx. 11 The best may be mis-carried by their passions.a1700Bonny Lizie Baillie xi. in Child Ballads IV. 267 O bonny Duncan Grahame, Why should ye me miscarry?
8. In physical sense: To carry to destruction.
1632Lithgow Trav. vi. 262 If any of them had missed [his footing], his sliding downe had miscarried them both ouer the Rocke.
Hence misˈcarrying ppl. a.
1611Bible Hosea ix. 14 Giue them a miscarying wombe, and drie breasts.1637Rutherford Lett. (1664) xc. 184 Such are the rovings of our miscarrying hearts.Ibid. cxxxv. 263 What is the dry and miscarrrying hope of all them who are not in Christ, but confusion and wind?

