
单词 listly
释义 ˈlistly, adv. Obs. (or dial.)
Forms: α. 1 listelíce, 3 listeliche, 4 lystily, -yly, listely. β. 4 listli, lystly, 4–6, (9) listly.
[OE. listelíce (= ON. listulega elegantly, cunningly), f. list skill, art (? u stem: cf. ON. listug-r skilled, polite). With reference to the formation see note s.v. greedily.]
Cunningly, craftily, deftly.
αc1000Sax. Leechd. II. 30 Seoð þonne æt leohtum fyre listelice oþ huniᵹes þicnesse.a1275Prov. ælfred 666 in O.E. Misc. 137 He wole stelin þin haite and keren, and listeliche on-suerren.13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 1190 He..layde hym doun lystyly, & let as he slepte.Ibid. 1334 Þen brek þay þe bale, þe balez out token, Lystily forlancing, & bere of þe knot.c1350Will. Palerne 25 Þat litel child listely looked out of his caue.
βc1350Will. Palerne 2742 He ful listli hem ledes to þat loueli schippe.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints vi. (Thomas) 307 He..lystly lousit sone þe band, Þat thomas had in fwte & hand.Ibid. xxxviii. (Adrian) 296 Scho..softyt hurtis þat ware sare, & listly als kemmyt þare hare.1503Dunbar Thistle & Rose 100 This lady..leit him listly lene vpone his kne. [1847Halliwell, Listly,..easily, distinctly.]

