
单词 lipe
释义 I. lipe, n.1 Obs. exc. dial.|laɪp|
Forms: 4 lippe, lyppe, 6, 9 lipe, lype.
[Cf. OF. lipee (F. lippée).]
a. A portion, a slip.
b. A pleat or fold.
a.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. v. 250, I..lene folke þat lese wol a lyppe at euery noble.1393Ibid. C. xii. 226 Me were leuere,..a lippe of godes grace, Than al þe kynde witt þat ȝe can boþe.1851Cumbld. Gloss., Lipe, a fragment.1878Cumbld. Gloss., Lipe, a large portion. Usually applied to land.
b.a1600Queen's Wardrobe in Nichols Progr. Q. Eliz. III. 508 One peticoate of tawney satten,..with lypes, lyned with orenge-colour sarconet.1808–80Jamieson, Lype, a crease, a fold.
II. lipe, n.2 Obs.
A sudden movement, a jerk.
1545R. Ascham Toxoph. i. (Arb.) 89 You shall se a weake smithe, which wyl wyth a lipe and turnyng of his arme, take vp a barre of yron, yat another man thrise as stronge, cannot stirre.
III. lipe
var. lype.

