
单词 yote
释义 I. yote, n.
[f. next.]
Casting (of a metal object).
1474–5in Swayne Churchw. Acc. Sarum (1896) 19 Brasse that remayned of the yote of the grete bell.
II. yote, v. dial.
Also 4 ȝ(e)ote, pa. pple. ȝotted, 6 yout, vbl. n. yotting, 6–7 yowt, yeot, 7 yoat.
[Local (chiefly west and south-west) development of OE. ᵹéotan yet v.]
1. trans. To pour.
a1400New Test. (Paues) Acts ii. 18 Vpon my honde⁓maydens I schal ȝote oute of my spiritte in þoo dais.Ibid. 33 He has ȝotted downe þis, þat ȝhe see ande here.Ibid. x. 45 For in nacyons þo grace was ȝotted oute of þo Holygoste.1878[see 2].
2. To pour liquid upon; to soak.
1615Chapman Odyss. xix. 760 My Fowles,..I..found feeding at their Trough, Their yoted wheate.1787Grose Prov. Gloss. s.v., The brewer's grains must be well yoted, or whesed for the pigs.1878N. & Q. 5th Ser. IX. 328 Workmen are said to ‘yote in’ metal to fix iron clamps or railings. The word ‘yote’ also signifies to water, to pour water on.
3. a. To cast in metal.
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VII. 77 Þis Gerebertus..dede ȝote [MS. β ȝeote] an hede þat spak nouȝt but whanne me axede of hym.
b. To fasten in (a metal bar, a stone block, etc.) with lead; to ‘lead in’.
1535MS. Rawl. D. 777, lf. 85 Youtyng the hookes of the Kechyn Dores in to the stone Walles.1572in Swayne Churchw. Acc. Sarum (1896) 287 White for his labore for the yoting of them 6d.1692Wood Ath. Oxon. II. 111 [Selden's] grave was nine foot deep at least, the bottom pav'd with bricks and walled about two foot high, with grey marble coarsly polished, each piece being yoated (that is fastned with lead molted in) with iron champs.1850N. & Q. 1st Ser. II. 89/2 Yote or Yeot, a term used in Gloucestershire and Somersetshire for ‘leading in’ iron work to stone.
Hence ˈyoting vbl. n. (attrib.); also ˈyoter, a caster of metal.
1479–80in Swayne Churchw. Acc. Sarum (1896) 367 Castyng 3 C lede to y⊇ *yoters 2s.
1543Will of Ric. Elyot (Somerset Ho.) *Yowtyng faate.
1534in Weaver Wells Wills (1890) 176 Iohn labur a *ȝottingston.1597in Phillipps Wills (c 1830) 40, I give and bequeath to my son..one yeoting stone.1602Will of Albyn (Somerset Ho.) Yowting stone.1652Will of M. Reeve (Somerset Ho.) The yeoting stone, the mowstadells.
1592–3Will of B. Saunders (Somerset Ho.) One broache and my plumpe and *yottinge vate and garnett.1602Inv. in Collect. Archæol. (1863) II. 111 In the well yarde. One yotinge vate and frame xxs.
c1530in Weaver Wells Wills (1890) 176 margin, One *yotinge vault in the house at Tolland.
1511in Somerset Med. Wills (1903) 151 A *yoting wessaile of lede.

