
单词 yearnful
释义 yearnful, a.|ˈjɜːnfʊl|
[In sense 1 OE. ᵹeornfull, f. ᵹeorn yern a.; in senses 2 and 3 f. yearn v.1: see -ful 1.]
1. Eagerly desirous, anxious, solicitous. Obs.
c888ælfred Boeth. xxii. §2 Ðu ær sædest þæt þu swiðe ᵹeornfull wære hit to ᵹehyranne.c1000Ags. Gosp. Luke x. 41 Martha martha ᵹeornfull þu eart & embe fela þinga ᵹedrefed.c1200Ormin 1631 Beo ȝeorrnfull Crist to cwemenn.c1275Duty of Christians 100 in O.E. Misc. 144 We schulde abute cristes lay Beon yeornfulle & clybbe.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xvi. (Magdalen) 780, & scho sa ȝarnful wes þar-til, Þat scho til wildirnes has socht, & fand a derne sted, was wrocht In til a crage of angil wark.
2. Mournful, sorrowful.
a1566R. Edwards Damon & Pithias (1571) D j, Oh Musicke,..lend me thy yernfull tunes, to vtter my sorow.1583B. Melbancke Philotimus T j, So out of thy stonye hearte maye yet flowe such water, as may wash and purge my yearnfull woundes.1591Greene Maidens Dr. Wks. (Grosart) XIV. 303 She wet his visage with a yearnfull streame.1613Purchas Pilgrimage vi. xi. 522 Ala, Ala, was their yernfull note.1889J. K. Jerome Three Men in a Boat xix, The wild yearnful melody.
3. Full of compassion. Obs.
1633P. Fletcher Purple Isl. ix. xlvi, His yearnfull heart pitying that wretched sight.
Hence ˈyearnfully adv.; ˈyearnfulness, eagerness, diligence.
c888ælfred Boeth. xxiv. §3 Sume tiliað mid micelre ᵹeornfulnesse wifa.c960æthelwold Rule St. Benet iv. (Schröer 1885) 17 Þæs ecean lifes he sceal mid ealre ᵹeornfulnesse ᵹirnan.c1200Ormin 11181 Swa þatt himm birrþ fra þeþennforþ Wiþþ mikell ᵹeorrnfullnesse... To follȝhenn Godess laȝheboc.a1884W. Whitman After the Sea-Ship 9 Larger and smaller waves in the spread of the ocean yearnfully flowing.

