
单词 participant
释义 participant, a. and n.|pəˈtɪsɪpənt, pɑː-|
[ad. L. participānt-em, pr. pple. of participāre: see participate v. Cf. F. participant (13–14th c.).]
A. adj.
1. a. Participating, partaking, sharing.
1549Compl. Scot. 131 To reueil it til diuerse men to gar them be participant vitht vs.1551Gardiner Explic., Presence 54 In this Sacrament, we be made participaunt, of his Godhode.1607Schol. Disc. agst. Antichr. i. ii. 79 It maketh the Church participant with the popish superstition.1687Evelyn Diary 20 Mar., The Communion followed, at which I was participant.1795Southey Joan of Arc vii. 101 In the ills of that defeat Participant.1865Carlyle Fredk. Gt. xii. vii. (1872) IV. 170 Of which..we propose to make the reader participant before going farther.
b. Having a share in the knowledge of; cognisant, informed. Obs.
1527W. Knight in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. i. I. 280 The Kyngs Highnesse wolde that your Grace shulde be participant of that that occurreth or is..doone here.1568in H. Campbell Love Lett. Mary Q. Scots (1824) App. 54 In this sort, they were now made participant of the whole state of the cause, even as largely as the rest of Hir Majestie's Privy Counsel were.
c. Sharing the nature of something. Obs.
1634Sir T. Herbert Trav. 12 [The penguin] is rather participant with the water then land.
2. Giving out, imparting. Obs.
a1595Southwell Hundred Medit. (1873) 215 O my God, Who art infinitely more noble and more participant than any other creature.
B. n.
1. a. One who participates in anything; one who takes part in, possesses, or experiences something in common with others; a sharer, partaker, participator. Also attrib. and Comb.; participant democracy = participatory democracy; participant observer, a research worker (esp. in the social sciences) who, while apparently belonging to the group under observation, is gathering information about it for the study team; hence participant observation, observing, this method of research.
1562Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 216 Thai sal be reknyt as participantis with the saidis thevis.1579Fulke Heskins's Parl. 445 Christe instituted a communion of many participantes.1679J. Goodman Penitent Pardoned iii. v (1713) 348 That none of the participants may go away without full measures of what is desirable to them.1839Stonehouse Axholme 74 He [Vermuyden] sold shares to several of his countrymen, who thus became Partners, or Participants, with him in this great undertaking, by which latter demonstration the holders of these lands have ever since been distinguished.1891Leeds Merc. 25 May 5/2 The chief participants in the recent massacre are now in custody.1924E. C. Lindeman Social Discovery ii. viii. 191 For experimental purposes the coöperating observers have been called ‘participant observers’. The term implies, not that the observers are participating in the study but that they are participating in the activities of the group being observed.1933Hader & Lindeman Dynamic Social Res. x. 147 (heading) Participant observing as a technique for psycho-social research.Ibid. 148 Participant Observation is based on the theory that an interpretation of an event can only be approximately correct when it is a composite of two points of view, the outside and the inside.1948Mind LVII. 510 Anthropologists, psychologists and administrators will all offer their contributions, making use of social surveys, opinion polls, official statistics, time-budgets, interviews of various types, ‘participant-observers’, and new techniques of self-observation.1971G. K. Roberts Dict. Polit. Analysis 144 Ethical and practical problems are raised connected with the concealed ‘dual role’ of the participant observer.Ibid., Several advantages are served by participant observation rather than external observation or interview techniques.1971Sci. Amer. Mar. 72 These ‘alternative institutions’ frequently emphasize values similar to those of a therapeutic community: group cohesion and commitment;..and ‘participant democracy’, meaning involvement of the entire group in decision-making.1976Word 1971 XXVII. 421 Classical anthropological techniques were used in our research: participant observation, interviews, sociological data surveys, questionnaires, and so on.1977Jrnl. R. Soc. Arts CXXV. 198/1 Some concern is also paid to academic ethics; and research involving, for example, joining a political or aberrant social group so that one can be a participant observer—the new academic name for snoop—or the manipulation of people as subjects for research purposes, may not get very far.
b. With poss. pron. One who takes part with another; a partisan, adherent; a partner. Obs.
1562Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 222 He and his saidis sonnis and utheris thair participantis.1650Hollingworth Exerc. Usurped Powers 66 Abraham..rescued Lot..from Chederlaomer and his participants.1675G. R. tr. Le Grand's Man without Passion 145 All her Participants take share in her Grandeur.
c. A sharer of information; one to whom news is communicated. Obs.
1639Sir T. Stafford in Lismore Papers Ser. ii. (1888) IV. 37, I beseech you make me a participant of their safe accession to the Army.
d. That which has something of the quality, or contains some amount, of something else. Obs.
1686Goad Celest. Bodies ii. iv. 201 Fog being a Participant of both Dryth and Moisture.
2. Mus. In the ecclesiastical modes: A particular note in each mode, constituting one of the ‘Regular Modulations’; normally, in the authentic modes, either between the Final and Mediant or between the Mediant and Dominant, and in the plagal modes the lowest note of the scale. Obs.
1889W. S. Rockstro in Grove Dict. Mus. IV. 592 [A close] may terminate upon the Dominant, or Participant of the Mode.
Hence parˈticipance, parˈticipancy, the fact or quality of participating.
1869Mrs. Whitney Hitherto xiv. 191 An Infinite Participance and Sympathy.1883Longm. Mag. July 263 That sense of long participancy which is one of the pleasures of age.

