
单词 Jesuit
释义 I. Jesuit, n.|ˈdʒɛzjuːɪt|
Also 6–7 -ite.
[ad. mod.L. Jēsūīta, f. Jēsū-s + -īta: see -ite.]
1. A member of the ‘Society of Jesus’, a Roman Catholic order founded by Ignatius Loyola in 1533, and sanctioned by Paul IV in 1540.
The object of the Society of Jesus was to support the Roman Church in its struggle with the 16th c. Reformers and to propagate the faith among the heathen. Hated and feared by Protestants, the Order, with its authoritarian constitution and its principle of total obedience to papal commands, became suspect to many in Roman Catholic countries too—more especially when Jesuit schools and confessionals came to exercise great influence on rulers and high society. By their enemies, the Jesuits were accused of teaching that the end justifies the means, and the lax principles of casuistry put forward by a few of their moralists were ascribed to the Order as a whole, thus giving rise, not only in English but in French and other languages, to sense 2, and to the opprobrious sense attached to Jesuitical, Jesuitry, and other derivatives.
1559in Cecil Papers (Hist. MSS. Comm.) I. 153 Y⊇ multitud of Iesuitts and seminaryes secrettly comen into y⊇ realm.1565T. Stapleton Fortr. Faith 52* The deuoute and lerned company of the Iesuites, men prouided of God bothe to staie heresy and to enlarge Christendom.1583Stubbes Anat. Abus. ii. (1882) 6 The diuels agents..by the name of Iesuites..a name verie blasphemously deriued from the name of Iesus.1588Hunsdon in Border Papers (1894) I. 367 The suffering of the Bisshope of Doubleane and a nombre of Jessewittes within his realme.1602T. Fitzherbert Apol. 47 a, Against a Martyn Luther and his cursed crue of vitious Apostates he raysed an Ignatius de Loyola with his blessed company, of vertuous, and Apostolical priests, commonly called Iesuites.1647Cowley Mistr., Prophet i, Teach Jesuits that have travell'd far, to Lye, Teach Fire to burn, and Winds to blow.1769Blackstone Comm. IV. viii. 104 We might call to witness the black intrigues of the Jesuits, so lately triumphant over Christendom, but now universally abandoned by even the Roman catholic powers.1838Macaulay Ess., Temple (1887) 445 That new brood of Oxonian sectaries who unite the worst parts of the Jesuit to the worst parts of the Orangeman.1846McCulloch Acc. Brit. Empire (1854) II. 253 The only class of Christians at present proscribed on account of religious opinions are the Jesuits, and members of orders bound by monastic or religious vows.1846W. F. Hook Church Dict. (ed. 5) 491 The Jesuits assume neither the name, quality, nor way of living, of monks. They call themselves an order of priests... The end of their institution is the salvation of souls: they preach, instruct youth, read lectures, and dispute and write against heretics.1913G. P. Gooch Hist. & Historians in 19th Cent. xxvi. 530 Renan sharply castigates the futility of the Priestly Code and the sterile scholasticism of its commentators. Nehemiah is described as the first Jesuit, who turned Jerusalem into a tomb.1914[see boyo].1932E. Bevan Christianity ix. 191 Jesuits were trained by a severe discipline, not to live in retirement from the world, but to mingle with the world in order to conquer it for the Church.1934H. H. Gowen Hist. Relig. xxxix. 598 The Jesuits as a body, by their splendid training, their broad-minded knowledge of human nature, and by their extraordinary personal devotion, did much to win for the Roman Churches territory far larger in area than..had been lost.1939[see iconology 1].1953J. E. Neale Elizabeth I & her Parliaments vii. i. 370 The Jesuits came, as it were, direct from England's capital enemy, the Pope.1959L. Hanke Aristotle & Amer. Indians viii. 108 The efforts of another Jesuit, Antonio Vieira, in the seventeenth century to protect the natives of Brazil.1972J. P. Kenyon Popish Plot i. 22 The Jesuits..aimed to draw England into the revitalized Church Universal of the Counter-Reformation.
2. transf. A dissembling person; a prevaricator. Also fig. depreciatory.
1640A. Leighton Pet. to Parlt. in Chandler Hist. Persec. (1736) 367 Apprehended in Black-Fryers,..and..dragged along (and all the way reproached by the name of Jesuit and Traitor).1692Washington tr. Milton's Def. Pop. iii. M.'s Wks. (1851) 90 Your self are more a Jesuit than he, nay worse than any of that Crew.1777J. Adams in Fam. Lett. (1876) 306 To humble the pride of some Jesuits, who call themselves Quakers.1851Gallenga Italy 45 He was himself a Jesuit in all but the cunning. [1852Thackeray Esmond I. v. 99 Father Holt wore more suits of clothes than one. All Jesuits do. You know what deceivers we are, Harry.]1855C. Kingsley Westward Ho! III. ii. 34 Eustace is a man no longer; he is become a thing, a tool, a Jesuit.1856J. W. Carlyle Jrnl. 11 Apr. in Lett. & Memorials (1883) II. 271 ‘I'll tell you what to do,’ said this Jesuit of a baker; ‘Go and join the Methodists' chapel for six months; make yourself agreeable to them, and you'll soon have friends that will help you in your object.’1878N. Amer. Rev. CXXVI. 504 The political Jesuits of the South.c1879E. Dickinson Poems (1955) III. 1015 The Jesuit of Orchards He cheats as he enchants.1907G. B. Shaw Major Barbara iii. 285 Charles Lomax: you are a fool. Adolphus Cusins: you are a Jesuit. Stephen: you are a prig. Barbara: you are a lunatic.1923D. L. Sayers Whose Body? ii. 40 Gentlemen, we are not Jesuits, we are straightforward Englishmen. You cannot ask a British-born jury to convict any man on the authority of a probable opinion.1947V. S. Pritchett in Horizon May 241 Rubashov and Gletkin are a sad pair of Jesuits consumed and dulled as human beings by their casuistry.1948D. Shub Lenin vii. 152 In July 1916, Viacheslav Menzhinsky, later chief of the Soviet secret police,..wrote: Lenin is a political Jesuit who over the course of many years has molded Marxism to his aims of the moment.
3. A kind of dress worn by ladies in the latter part of the 18th century: see quot. 1885.
1767Trial Ld. Grosvenor (Fairholt).1775Misc. in Ann. Reg. 193/2 Under the titles of hats, bonnets, sacks, jesuits, brunswicks, poloneses, muffs, &c.1885Fairholt's Costume Eng. (ed. 3) Gloss., Jesuit, a dress worn by ladies in 1767, buttoning up to the neck, a kind of indoor morning gown.
4. attrib. and Comb.
a. attrib. or adj. That is a Jesuit; of or belonging to the Society of Jesus; Jesuitical.
b. Comb., as Jesuit-founder.
1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 171, I had beene reading the life and precepts of Ignatius Leiola the Iesuite⁓founder.1660F. Brooke tr. Le Blanc's Trav. 215 Instructed by the Jesuite Fathers.1764Churchill Gotham ii. 394 If..from the Jesuit school some precious knave Conviction feign'd.1844H. H. Wilson Brit. India I. 475 To the Jesuit missionaries succeeded those of the Lutheran church.1874J. R. Green Short Hist. Eng. People vii. 402 The torture and death of the Jesuit martyrs sent a thrill of horror through the whole Catholic Church.1922Joyce Ulysses 220 Father Conmee..thought..of the book that might be written about jesuit houses.1939Times Lit. Suppl. 14 Jan. 20 One of the most heroic members of one of the most heroic bodies in the history of the world, the Jesuit mission to the Hurons.1950Chambers's Encycl. VIII. 273/1 In 1872 supervision of schools was reserved exclusively for the government of Prussia and the Jesuit Order was banned from Germany altogether.1953J. E. Neale Elizabeth I & her Parliaments vii. i. 370 The Jesuit mission to England led by two distinguished and contrasting men, Parsons and Campion.1956Atlantic Monthly Nov. 43/2 It was a form of answer well known to the examiners—the famous Jesuit equivocation.1966D. Johnson France & Dreyfus Affair xiii. 220 The tighter the organisation of the group, Assumptionist or Jesuit, the greater the hostility towards Dreyfus.1972J. P. Kenyon Popish Plot vi. 182 The suspicion that he had designs on the family estate, which should have descended to his Jesuit brother, now in Newgate.
c. Special genitival combinations. Jesuits' bark, the medicinal bark of species of Cinchona, Peruvian bark (introduced into Europe from the Jesuit Missions in S. America); also applied to the bark of Iva frutescens (false Jesuits' bark or bastard Jesuits' bark). Jesuits' drops, ‘name given to a preparation of garlic, Peruvian balsam, and sarsaparilla’ (Mayne Expos. Lex. 1855). Jesuits' nut, a name for the seed of Trapa natans. Jesuits' powder (F. poudre des Jésuites), an old name for powdered Peruvian bark. Jesuits' tea, an infusion of the leaves of Psoralea glandulosa, a South American leguminous shrub.
1694Salmon Bate's Disp. (1713) 250/2 Cortex Peruvianus or *Jesuits Bark in fine Powder newly made.1714Phil. Trans. XXIX. 48 Three Ounces of Jesuits Bark.1760J. Lee Introd. Bot. App. 305 False Jesuit's Bark, Iva.1799J. Robertson Agric. Perth 316 A gentleman..told me, that a little warm milk with some Jesuit bark would cure the trembling.1880C. R. Markham Peruv. Bark 14 In 1670 these fathers sent parcels of the powdered bark to Rome... Hence the name of ‘Jesuits' bark’, and ‘Cardinal's bark’.
1783Pott Chirurg. Wks. II. 228 He had for a month before been taking *Jesuit's drops and other quack medicines.
1866Treas. Bot. 1161/1 The seeds..of T[rapa] natans—called *Jesuit's nuts at Venice, and Chataigne d'Eau by the French—are ground into flour and made into bread in some parts of Southern Europe.
1659Merc. Pol. No. 553 Advt., The Feaver bark, commonly called the *Jesuites powder which is so famous for the cure of all manner of agues.a1715Burnet Own Time iii. (1724) I. 474 The fits did not return after the King [Chas. II] took Quinquina, called in England the Jesuits powder.
1866Treas. Bot. 935/2 In Chili the leaves of P[soralea] glandulosa, there called Culen, are used as a substitute for tea under the name of *Jesuit's Tea; but their infusion..appears to be valued more for its medicinal properties.
d. Use attrib. to designate a type of Chinese 18th-century export porcelain decorated with religious pictures copied from European designs.
1882W. W. Old Indo-European Porc. 5 Dealers as a rule calling it [sc. Indo-European porcelain] ‘Jesuit china’, a general impression has prevailed that it was the work of the converts to the early Romish missions in China and Japan.1898W. G. Gulland Chinese Porc. 12 Christianity has left little mark on the ceramics of China;..few pieces display biblical subjects or Christian emblems, and such are known as ‘Jesuit China’.1900F. Litchfield Pott. & Porc. vii. 114 This is called ‘Jesuit china’, because it is said that it was painted to the order of..the Jesuit missionaries.1927W. B. Honey Guide Later Chinese Porc. viii. 67 ‘Jesuit china’ was..probably copied from designs supplied by the merchants.1952M. Anderson Story Chinese Porc. 46 Flat-edged plates with biblical subjects painted in a grey-black are the usual features of these ‘Jesuit’ pieces.1962D. Imber tr. Beurdeley's Porc. E. India Co. 141/2 The Roman Catholic creed was foremost in Europe at the time, but the great reformers, Calvin and Luther, are also represented on different plates and servers. The British Museum has a plate representing John of Leyden, the leader of the Anabaptists. It will be clear, then, that the title Jesuit porcelain cannot be maintained in the light of the facts.
II. ˈJesuit, v.
[f. prec. n.]
1. intr. To act the Jesuit. Obs. rare.
1601Archpr. Controv. (1898) II. 164 Yf we would have Jesuited and caried so small a respect to charity.
2. trans. To make a Jesuit of; to imbue with Jesuit principles. Chiefly in pa. pple. Obs.
1601(title) Important Considerations which ought to move all Trve and sovnd Catholickes who are not wholly Iesuited.1621in Crt. & Times Jas. I (1849) II. 274 He is..popishly affected, and even jesuited.
3. To dose with Jesuits' bark: see prec. 4 c. Obs. nonce-use.
1689Harvey Curing Dis. by Expect. iv. 32 The course of bleeding..purging and Jesuiting.
4. Used by Freeman for: To alter (an ancient church) into the Renaissance style, in which the Jesuits commonly built their churches, c 1560–1680.
1872Freeman in W. R. W. Stephens Life & Lett. (1895) II. 59 St. Michael's has been Jesuited inside.1876Hist. Sk., Ancona 155 That [taste] which condemned the north transept and the crypt below it to be mercilessly Jesuited.1891Sk. fr. French Trav. Ser. iv. 76 A systematic Jesuiting which the church underwent.

