
单词 water-knot
释义 ˈwater-knot
[knot n.1]
A kind of knot used in joining together the several portions of a fishing line (see quot. 1847).
a1450Fysshynge w. Angle (1883) 12, 13 Thenne must ye knytte theym togyder wyth a water knotte... And bycause that ye sholde knowe bothe the water knotte & also the duchys knotte: loo theym here in figure caste vnto the lykenesse of the draughte.1662R. Venables Exper. Angler iv. 51 With a Water-knot (in which you must make both the links to fasten) tye them so that [etc.].1795Hutton Math. Dict. s.v. Knot, A Fisher's knot, or Water knot.1847Stoddart Angler's Comp. 44 The Water Knot, Single and Double..is completed, simply by laying the ends of the two threads, links, or strands, required to be joined, alongside of each other; then, doubling the one round the forefinger of the right hand and passing one of the links and its corresponding end through the loop thus formed, draw all tight.1885H. Cholmondeley-Pennell Fishing (Badm.) I. 38 What is known as the single fisherman's knot (sometimes called ‘water knot’).

