
单词 outwith
释义 outwith, prep. and adv. Chiefly north. and Sc.|ˈaʊtwɪθ|
Forms: α. 3 (Orm.) utenn wiþþ, utwiþþ; 3 utewið, 4 utewit, -wid, utwit, -wyth; oute-, out-wiþ, 4–5 utwith, 4– outwith (6 owt-, oute-). β. Sc. 4 ututh, 4–5 owtouth, outhouth, otouth, otow, 4–6 utouth.
[f. out adv. + with prep.: cf. inwith, and without (in which the same elements are transposed).]
A. prep.
1. Without; outside of.
a. Of position.
c1200Ormin 13116 Ȝho wat þatt utwiþþ Crisstenndom Niss nohht tatt Crist maȝȝ cwemenn.a1300Cursor M. 20922 (Cott.) Vt-wit [Gött. vtewid, Edin. outwiþ, Fairf. wiþ-out, Trin. wiþoute] þe toun apon þe est side.Ibid. 588 (Cott.) Vtewit [Fairf. Oute-wiþ] paradis [was adam] wroght.a1400Burgh Laws vii. (Sc. Stat. I.) Ututh þe burgh.c1420Pallad. on Husb. i. 317 Enlarge it half a foote Out⁓with the wough.1536Bellenden Cron. Scot. (1821) I. 87 Takin utouth thair munitions.1591Bruce Eleven Serm. D v a, Iesus Christ..out-with whome there is nather comfort nor consolatioun.1640Bk. War Comm. Covenanters 133 The awners quhairof are outwith the kingdome.1875Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. X. 286 It is only probable that outwith this row there had been an outer course of piles.1885Law Rep. 10 App. Cas. 457 Any Court or tribunal outwith Scotland.1927W. D. Simpson Historical St. Columba 17 Of the four peoples..who struggled for mastery in what is now Scotland, the Angles alone were entirely outwith the pale of Christianity.1947H. Farmer Hist. Music Scotl. 216 In music, there was but one name, John Abell (d. 1724), and he gained his fame outwith Scotland, to use the appropriate Scots word.1970‘E. Ferrars’ Seven Sleepers iv. 46 I'm moving into a small bungalow outwith the town.1972G. Henderson Early Medieval vi. 232 Outwith history painting the image of the crucified Christ, as an evocation of the Passion and redemption, was slow to make itself felt.1975C. N. Manlove Mod. Fantasy iv. 99 What he came to demand was ‘rational’ friendship, the bond of a common interest in something outwith the self.1978Dumfries & Galloway Standard 21 Oct. 1/8 Attempts might be made..to promote the greater use of existing static caravan sites outwith the July/August period.
b. Of motion: Out of, out from.
1375Barbour Bruce viii. 90 He, but swerd, his vayis raid Weill otow [MS. E. otowth] thame.Ibid. 448 Richt as thai wald to lanrik fair, Otow [MS. E. owtouth] quhar the enbuschement var.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints l. (Katerine) 1104 Þe tyrand gert hir furth be had outhouth þe ȝeittis of þe cite.1553–4Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 155 Thai sall nocht evaid nor eschaip owtwith this burcht of Edinburch.1705in Aberdeen Jrnl. N. & Q. (1909) II. 309/1 It shall be leisum to them..to take themselves outwith the family.1958Times 5 Dec. 8/7 Their value may also extend outwith the narrow sphere of medicine.
2. Of time: Beyond. Obs.
13..Cursor M. 10346 (Cott.) Bath þam bar tua wimmen geld Þat vte-wit [other texts out of] birth o barn was teld.1479Act. Dom. Conc. 36/2 Gif ony personis..before or eftir, vtwith þe said iiij yeris [etc.].
B. adv.
1. Of position: Without; on the outside; outwardly.
c1200Ormin 4778 All þiss wass utenn wiþþ unnhal Þurrh swiþe unnride unnhæle.c1230Hali Meid. 39 Hit ne fareð nawt swa as [ha] weneð þat iseoð utewið.13..E.E. Allit. P. A. 968 Vt-wyth to se þat clene cloystor, Þou may, bot in-wyth not a fote.c1400Destr. Troy 12201 This Vlixes, þat vtwith aunterit hym neuer.c1520M. Nisbet N.T. in Scots Mark iii. 32 Thi modere & thi brethire out⁓with seekis thee.1582–8Hist. James VI (1804) 147 That thair interpryse should nather be devulgat in the toune nor outewith.
2. Of direction: Out.
1375Barbour Bruce ii. 299 Till thaim wtouth send thai sone, And bad thaim herbery thaim that nycht.1768Ross Helenore ii. 78 Colin her father, who had outwith gane.1871W. Alexander Johnny Gibb xli. (1873) 233 The two being..only ‘freens fae the teeth ootwuth’.

