
释义 N.U.P.E., NUPE2|ˈnjuːpɪ|
Also Nupe.
[Acronym f. the initial letters of National Union of Public Employees.]
The name of a British trade union for manual, clerical, and professional employees of local authorities (until 1928, the National Union of Corporation Workers).
1931Public Employees Jrnl. Sept. 1 (figure) N.U.P.E.1932Ibid. Mar. 21/1 (heading) Why N.U.P.E. is winning its way every day.1940Hammer (Ewell Branch NUPE) ii. 2 A special meeting of N.U.P.E. members and non-unionists.1955W. W. Craik Bryn Robert & Nat. Union Public Employees iii. 45 The history of NUPE from its earliest years is the history of a trade union confining its membership and its service to public employees.1976H. Wilson Governance of Britain iv. 86 On 20 May I met a deputation consisting of the Royal Colleges of Midwives and Nursing, the Association of Nurse Administrators, the National Union of Public Employees (NUPE), [etc.].1985Financial Times 12 Oct. 6/2 An item in his curriculum vitae states baldly: ‘Organiser in all Nupe strikes from 1978’.

