
单词 nucha
释义 nucha Anat.|ˈnjuːkə|
Also 5 nuca.
[a. med.L. nucha, a. Arab. nukhā‭ﻋ spinal marrow. Hence also It., Sp., and Pg. nuca, F. nuque nuque: see also nuche, nuke n.1]
a. The spinal cord. Obs.
b. The nape of the neck.
c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 24 Alle þe cordis þat comen of þe brayn & nucha [v.r. nuca].Ibid. 29 Þe senewe þat comeþ fro þe brayn & þe nucha [v.r. nuca].1576Newton Lemnie's Complex. (1633) 194 They doe very well, which keepe their Nucha and nape of their neckes warme.1661Lovell Anim. & Min. 50 The decoction of a Fox.., used as an embrocation to the nucha and paralytick part, helpeth the same.1726Freind Hist. Physick II. 315 Those from the 6th and 7th pair, which arise from the brain and the Nucha, serve for its voluntary motion.1768Pennant Brit. Zool. (1776) I. 139 Nucha, the hind part of the head.1878Hamilton Nerv. Dis. 211 Rollet has used the cautery even in the last stages, applying it from the nucha to the sacrum, and with good effect.

