
单词 missal
释义 I. missal, n.1|ˈmɪsəl|
Forms: 4 messel, 5 myssal(l)e, 5–6 messall, missale, 5–7 missall, (7 erron. massal), 6– missal.
[ad. eccl. L. missāle, neut. sing. of missālis (see next). Some of the early forms represent OF. messel (mod.F. missel).]
1. The book containing the service of the Mass for the whole year; a mass-book.
c1330Arth. & Merl. 3574 (Kölbing) Her after sone Merlin swore..Tofore þe king on o messel.1432Test. Ebor. (Surtees) II. 21, I wyte unto my chauntry in y⊇ chapell of Sancte Anne..my best Missall.1480Caxton Chron. Eng. ccxxx. 245 Charlys leyde his right hond on the paten with goddes body and his lift hond on the missale.1506Test. Ebor. (Surtees) IV. 247 To y⊇ Chapell in Holbek my Messall, my Portus in prynte.c1553Durham Acc. Rolls (Surtees) 728 For Carryage of y⊇ new grailes and missales.1611Bible Transl. Pref. ⁋13 Pope Nicolas the third..brought into vse the Missals of the Friers Minorites.1657–61Heylin Hist. Ref. i. ii. §5. 40 Many of the inferior Clergy had not much more learning than what was taught them in the Massals and other Rituals.1726Ayliffe Parergon 356 In the Roman Church there were always Forms of Prayer, as may be seen in their Missals, Breviaries, Rituals..&c.1845T. H. Horne in Encycl. Metrop. XXI. 494/1 The Council held at Toledo, in 633..adopted the Missal and Breviary of Isidore, Bishop of Seville.1895G. H. Palmer in Elem. Plainsong 59 To S. Gregory alone belongs the credit of having compiled..the Sacramentary and Antiphoner, i.e. what we should now call the Missal and Gradual.
b. Used vaguely for: A Roman Catholic book of prayers, esp. when illuminated; an illuminated book of hours, or the like.
1651Baxter Inf. Bapt. 304 The reading of one of their Missals, or books of Devotion.1838C. B. Elliott Trav. II. 368 The greater part of the night, as well as of the day, is passed with rosaries, crucifixes, and missals.1845Longfellow Norman Baron iii, A monk..Who..repeated Many a prayer and pater-noster From the missal on his knee.1858O. W. Holmes Aut. Breakf.-t. iii, He is as tender and reverential to all that bears the mark of genius..as a nun over her Missal.1886J. R. Rees Divers. Bookworm (1887) 163 The pages of the missal are..illuminated with elegant borders of fruit, flowers, and birds.
2. attrib. and Comb. (usually with reference to the illumination of service-books or manuscripts), as missal-album, missal hand, missal letter, missal-like adj., missal-marge, missal-page, missal-painter, missal-painting vbl. n. and ppl. a.; missal caps (Printing): see quot.
1890W. White Catal. Ruskin Mus. Library 6 *Missal Album of Lady Diana de Croy.
1875J. Southward Dict. Typogr., *Missal caps, a style of fancy letter, used sometimes as initials to Old English or Black letter.
1831Lamb Let. to Dyer 22 Feb., You never wrote what I call a schoolmaster's hand, like Mrs. Clarke;..nor a *missal hand, like Porson.
1888Athenæum 20 Oct. 514/1 The colours used for the *missal letters, and in the final touches of the rubricator.
1872Black Adv. Phaeton vii. 94 Decorating our bedrooms with *missal-like texts.
1855Browning Men & Women ii. 237 He..Fills his lady's *Missal⁓marge with flowerets.
1858Ruskin Arrows of Chace (1880) I. 129 The officers..of the British Museum refuse to expose their best drawings or *missal-pages to light.
a1843Southey Comm.-pl. Bk. (1849) IV. 258 In these countries the poets resemble *missal-painters;—their colours often rich, their pencilling delicate.
1883Ruskin Art of Eng. 9 The speciality of colour-method..founded on *missal-painting.1895Army & Navy Co-op. Soc. Price List 668 Colours for illuminating and missal painting.
1903Edin. Rev. Apr. 450 The patient labour of *Missal-painting monks.
II. missal, a. (n.2)|ˈmɪsəl|
[ad. eccl. L. missāl-is, f. missa mass n.1]
Of or pertaining to the Mass; mass-. Also n., a mass-priest.
a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII, 74 The Closet hanged with clothe of gold all other iewelles Missall.Ibid. 82 b, The alter apparelled with all Juelles myssall of great riches.1549Latimer 3rd Serm. bef. Edw. VI (Arb.) 86 It had bene good for our missal priestes to haue dwelled in that contrye.1553Becon Reliques of Rome (1563) 130* Pope Honorius the third commaunded yt the Missall bread shoulde be..lifted vp aboue the Priestes heade at the sacryng tyme.1614Bp. Hall No Peace with Rome §19 Wks. (1625) 658 The Priestly Office of Christ is not a little impeached by the dayly Oblation of the Missall Sacrifice.1637Gillespie Eng. Pop. Cerem. Ep. A 3 b, Her sweet Voice is..muttering some missall and magicall Liturgies.1660R. Coke Power & Subj. 162 All his Missal vestiments.1793J. Hely tr. O'Flaherty's Ogygia I. 41 They distinguished Thanes into missals, and seculars; the Missal-Thanes were Presbyters.
III. missal
obs. variant of missile.

