
单词 monastery
释义 monastery|ˈmɒnəstərɪ|
Forms: α. 5–7 monasterie, (5 -eri, 8 -try, 6 monnestarie), 5– monastery; β. 5–6 monaster, (6 -tre), 5 monestre, 6 -tar, 6–7 -ter.
[ad. eccl. L. monastēri-um, a. late Gr. µοναστήριον, f. µονάζειν to live alone, f. µόν-ος alone. The β-forms are from OF. monastere. Cf. minster.]
A place of residence of a community of persons living secluded from the world under religious vows; a monastic establishment. Chiefly, and now almost exclusively, applied to a house for monks; but applicable also to the house of any religious order, male or female.
1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) II. 27 The monastery of Wynneburne [1387 Trevisa mynistre, L. monasterium].Ibid. 129 The monastery of Seynte Hilda [Trevisa abbay].c1440Gesta Rom. xliv. 364 (Add. MS.) Sir, why purpose ye to distroye þis monestre?1451Rolls of Parlt. V. 221/1 Th' abbesse and covent of oure Monasterie of Saint Saviour.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 386/1 What monaster is yonder that I see?1539Pery in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. ii. II. 141 He sainge what a goode Crysten is yowre Kinge of Ynglande to pwte downe the Monesterys.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. x. 310 A certane monestar not far fra the place quhair tha lay.c1610Women Saints 21 By her example, many monasteries of Virgins and monks were founded at Rome.a1660Contemp. Hist. Irel. (Ir. Archæol. Soc.) I. 255 Captain Con Oneylle did guarde the monester of the fryers preachers of S. Dominicks Order.1759B. Martin Nat. Hist. Eng. I. Somerset 73 Its Church..was at first a Monastry.1828Scott F.M. Perth xi, There arose that great tumult at the outward gate of the Monastery.1841Elphinstone Hist. Ind. I. 201 They have nothing of the freedom of the Hindú monastic orders..and seem never allowed to leave the monastery.1872Yeats Techn. Hist. Comm. 143 Each monastery was a luminous point, whence the light of civilisation radiated into the darkness around.
b. attrib. and Comb.
1591Horsey Trav. (Hakl. Soc.) 264 A yonge bishop of Rostove..who had a sonn before he was exposed to that monnestarie liff.1828Moore Mem. (1854) V. 254 A most monastery-like state of gloom and cheerlessness.

