
单词 tjalk
释义 tjalk|tjalk|
[Du. and LG. tjalk, a kind of ship, a. WFris. tsjalk (tʃalk), according to Franck, perh. dim. of *tjal for kjal = OE. céol keel.]
A kind of Dutch ship or sailing boat.
1861Mitchell's Maritime Reg. 1417/1 Eja, Dutch tjalk, Bronuma, from London for Amsterdam, was totally lost Nov. 1 at West Kapelle.1889Blackw. Mag. Aug. 183 Half a dozen big tjalks laden with peat.1907Outlook 16 Mar. 341/2 The quiet ripple under the bows of tjalks—those large, useful, picturesque craft favoured by Dutch designers—sailing across the wide Friesland Meers.

