
单词 fellow-traveller
释义 ˌfellow-ˈtraveller
[fellow n. 11 b.]
1. One who travels along with another.
1611T. Coryat Crudities (Epist. Dedic.), Often disswaded by some of my fellow trauellers from gathering any Obseruations at all till I came into Italie.1665Sir T. Herbert Trav. 125 Elpenor his fellow-traveller being dead.1711Addison Spect. No. 58 ⁋12 The Impatience of my Friends and Fellow-Travellers.1829Lytton Devereux iv. viii, My veteran fellow-traveller took leave of me.1814Wordsworth Excursion ii. 55 My Fellow Traveller said with earnest voice, As if the thought were but a moment old, That I must yield myself without reserve.1850Prelude vi. 161 The brook and road Were fellow-travellers in this gloomy strait.
2. transf. One who sympathizes with the Communist movement without actually being a party member. Also in extended uses.
The equiv. Russ. popútchik (Trotsky) was used of non-communist writers sympathizing with the Revolution.
1936Nation (N.Y.) 24 Oct. 471/1 The new phenomenon is the fellow-traveler. The term has a Russian background and means someone who does not accept all your aims but has enough in common with you to accompany you in a comradely fashion part of the way. In this campaign both Mr. Landon and Mr. Roosevelt have acquired fellow-travelers.1941Auden New Year Let. ii. 39 A liberal fellow traveller ran With sansculotte and Jacobin Nor guessed what circles he was in.1942E. Waugh Put out More Flags ii. 131 ‘I was never a party member.’ ‘Party?’ ‘Communist party. I was what they call in their horrible jargon, a fellow traveller.’1946[see crypto].1952A. Wilson Hemlock & After 147 Bernard, if not a fellow-traveller, was certainly the perfect material for Communist propaganda.1957S. Jameson Cup of Tea for Mr. Thorgill vi. 48 He was also, quite openly, a fellow-traveller, going faithfully through all the rites: adoration of Russia, reverence for that fabled Beast, the proletariat.1964C. Chaplin Autobiogr. xxix. 491 They were carrying signs that read: ‘Chaplin's a fellow traveller.’1969L. Woolf Journey not Arrival Matters iii. 139 He was distinctly a Fellow Traveller, and may, for all I knew, have been a member of the Communist Party.
Hence (as a back-formation) fellow-travel v. intr., to be a fellow-traveller; trans., to support (the Communist movement) as a fellow-traveller; freq. as fellow-travelling vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1858(title) Fellow travelling; or, The experience of life.1941Time 31 Mar. 42 The Communist fellow-traveling American Peace Mobilization.Ibid. 30 June 42 His fellow-traveling had done him no good with the brass hats.1948Ann. Reg. 1947 240 Those [of the Left] who..would have no taint of ‘fellow-travelling’, broke with Mr. Wallace.1949Life 4 Apr. 39/1 Its host was the U.S.'s own National Council of Arts, Sciences and Professions, dominated by intellectuals who fellow-travel the Communist line.1963Observer 18 Aug. 20/8 The Germans who fellow-travelled with Hitler in the 1930s were guilty of a gross dereliction of national duty.1964‘W. Haggard’ Anatagonists iii. 29 The high rich Left..[would] talk and they'd fellow-travel but they'd never know the passion.

