
单词 exemplify
释义 exemplify, v.|ɛgˈzɛmplɪfaɪ|
Also 5–6 examplify.
[ad. med.L. exemplifi-cāre f. exemplum example + -ficāre: see -fy.]
1. trans. To instruct by example, set a (good) example to. Also absol. Obs.
1430Lydg. Chron. Troy iv. xxxv, Priestes..should the worlde exemplefye With good doctryne of perfection.1513Bradshaw St. Werburge i. 2299 To instructe and informe and to exemplyfy.
2. trans. To make an example of (a person).
1632B. Jonson Magn. Lady iii. iv, Your exemplified malefactors, That have survived their infamy and punishment.1642D. Rogers Matrim. Honour 337 A just and jealous God, not sparing to exemplifie..his best servants.
3. To set an example of, exhibit a model of.
1649Selden Laws Eng. ii. xiii. (1739) 69 A thing that none of his Predecessors ever exemplified to him.1673Lady's Call. i. iii. 21 If the poor happen not to have more charity then they exemplify to them.
4. To fashion after an example or model. Obs.
1579Fulke Heskins' Parl. 475 They make the body of Christ, both the exemplar, and the thing exemplified.1681–6J. Scott Chr. Life (1747) III. 576 Those outward Images, which they exemplified from the Similitudes which they fram'd of him in their own Fancies.
5. To adduce, allege, quote, use as an example. to exemplify to: to compare to by way of example or specimen. to exemplify to be: to quote by way of example as being. Obs.
1509Hawes Past. Pleas. xi. xiii, For whych poetes hym so exemplyfied.1592Daniel Compl. Ros. Wks. (1717) 39 Exemplify my Frailty.1593Nashe 4 Lett. Confut. 54 Canst thou exemplifie vnto mee..one minnum of the particular deuice of his play that I purloind?a1618Raleigh in Gutch Coll. Cur. I. 83 The emphyteusis or feudum..for understanding sake may be exemplified to an estate at this day allowed.1641Milton Ch. Govt. ii. (1851) 63 Not to exemplifie the malapert insolence of our owne Bishops.1649Selden Laws Eng. i. lxii. (1739) 121 Glanvil..exemplifies Sedition and destruction of the Kingdom, to be in equal degree a Wound of Majesty.1794G. Wakefield Exam. Paine's Age of Reason 24 To exemplify their morality in contradistinction to that of the gospel.
b. absol. To find precedents, excuse oneself by example. Obs.
1597Daniel Civ. Wares i. xcvii, That our times might not have t' exemplifie with aged staines.
6. (The current sense.)
a. To illustrate by examples; to find or furnish an example or instance of. Occas. with sentence as obj.
c1430Lydg. in Pol., Rel. & L. Poems (1866) 46, I exemplifye by kyndly prouidence Bewte wyll shew thow hornys be away.1588Fraunce (title), Lawiers Logike, exemplifying the præcepts of Logike by the practice of the Common Lawe.1610Healey St. Aug. Citie of God 214 His desire of..armes and war wherby to exemplifie his valour.1637Gillespie Eng. Pop. Cerem. ii. iii. 18, I will really examplify that which I say.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. ii. vi. 22 How far they exceeded, may be exemplified from Palæphatus, in his book of fabulous narrations.1668Barrow in Rigaud Corr. Sci. Men (1841) II. 48 The rules I sent you concerning the hyperbola, I cannot well exemplify.1752Johnson Rambler No. 208 ⁋3, I have rarely exemplified my assertions by living characters.1818Jas. Mill Brit. India II. v. viii. 683 A completeness never before exemplified.1864Bp. of Lincoln Charge 8 Its Principal..has exemplified to its pupils how labor best prospers when it is the labor of love.1869Phillips Vesuv. ii. 31 Nor is it the earliest style of wall..exemplified in Mycenæ.
b. To be or serve as an example of.
1793Beddoes Math. Evid. 147 The mode of expression of children and Africans frequently exemplifies this remark.1845McCulloch Taxation ii. vi. (1852) 277 The roads in the Highlands exemplify the correctness of this statement.1860Tyndall Glac. ii. xxx. 406 The third action is exemplified by the state of the rails near a station, etc.1878C. Stanford Symb. Christ i. 31 The principle which the ancient payment of tithes exemplified.
c. intr. To quote examples or instances by way of illustration. to exemplify in, exemplify of: = ‘to instance in’, i.e. to cite (something) as an instance.
1582G. Martin in Fulke Def. (1843) 213 Suppose he had exemplified of the two condemned heretics, Jovinian and Vigilantius also.1587Harrison England ii. v. (1877) i. 136, I could exemplifie also in manie other.1598R. Haydocke tr. Lomazzo on Painting II. 157 And thus, if I woulde inlarge my discourse, I might exemplifie in the light passing through a glasse ful of red wine.1619Brent tr. Sarpi's Hist. Counc. Trent. (1676) 590 He exemplified in Darius, who, etc.1641Bp. Hall Misch. Faction Rem. Wks. (1660) 66 It were to no purpose to exemplifie, where the instances are numberlesse.
7. To make an official copy of; esp. to make an attested copy of (a legal document) under an official seal.
1523Fitzherb. Surv. 20 b, Any partie..may..haue a copye..exemplyfied vnder the seale of offyce of the same place.1581Act 23 Eliz. c. 3 §3 Fines..shall be exemplified under the Great Seal of England.1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 928 He proposed..that their tragœdies should be exemplified and engrossed faire.1687Lond. Gaz. No. 2277/4 The Laws for the preservation of the Spawn and Spatt of Oysters..were Signed and Exemplified under the Seal of the High Court of Admiralty.1710Ibid. No. 4735/4 Which Recovery was exemplified under the Great Seal.1884Roscoe's Law of Evidence (ed. 15) 91 An exemplification produced from the proper custody and purporting to exemplify a commission from the crown is evidence though the seal has been lost.
8. To copy (a document); to quote in writing.
1570–6Lambarde Peramb. Kent (1826) 221 The storie of King Vortigers Wassailing..I have already exemplified.1581Eiren. ii. iv. (1588) 149 This last Statute I have exemplified the more at large.1629A. Hamilton in Ussher's Lett. (1686) 405 If your Grace..hath a mind to exemplify, write out, or collect any thing out of any of the said Books.1665J. Webb Stone-Heng (1725) 85 That Inscription..mentioned by Camden..and by him exemplified.1709Strype Ann. Ref. I. ii. 58 Because it is a private act, and unprinted, I exemplify it in the Appendix.

